Housing & Commuter Selection Timelines
The 2025-26 academic year continuing student housing selection is based on fourth year students having first choice. Below is a timeline of this process
General Process Timeline
March 3, 2025: Housing Applications are available in the REH portal/housing classification sent to all students for sign-up, applications are also available
March 7, 2025: New ADA requests are due
March 14, 2025: Housing classification year appeals due
All Housing/Commuter Applications are Due
March 20, 2025: confirm roommates online (all applications due)
Lottery Date/Times Sent to Students
March 27, 2025: Students receive lottery date and time by email (based on housing year)
Lottery Process (Room Selection)
April 3, 2025: Lottery begins for ALL fourth year groups; fourth/third year mix groups
April 10, 2025: Lottery begins for ALL third year groups; third/second year mix groups
April 16-17, 2025: Lottery begins for second year service groups (RSP) and all second year groups to follow as time allows each day.
ADA Process
Feb. 10, 2025: ADA intention form sent to all students who currently have a housing accomodation on file
March 7, 2025: ADA intention forms due
Residential Housing Program (RSP) Process
- Dec. 1, 2024: Applications open
- Feb. 3, 2025: Applications close
- Week of Feb. 3, 2025: Application review by Area Coordinators and student staff for service area
- Week of Feb. 10, 2025: Selection offers
- Week of March 3, 2025: RSP Community Partner Placement Nights
Residential Theme Community (RTC) Process
- Dec. 1, 2024: Applications open
- Feb. 3, 2025: Applications close
- Week of Feb. 3, 2025: Application review by Area Coordinators and student staff for service area
- Week of Feb. 10, 2025: Notification of interview nights (select number of groups)
- Week of Feb. 17, 2025: Intervew nights
- Week of Feb. 24, 2025: RTC final selection
- March 3, 2025: RSP and RTC community partner placement and housing assignment
Global Roommate Program
- Dec. 1, 2024: Applications available
- February 3, 2025: Applications close
- Week of February 10, 2025: Application Review Week
- March 3, 2025: Housing placements
Contact Us
Todd Wehr Hall, 315
Office Hours
8 a.m.-noon and 1-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-3360
Email: housing@snc.edu