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Residential Service Programs

Residential Education and Housing offers a variety of living and learning communities for St. Norbert College students. The current Residential Service Programs are as follows:

Sophomore Service-Learning Program
The Sophomore Service Learning Program is a service opportunity available to second-year residents. Students apply in groups of two or three with the intention of living together in one of our three primary sophomore living areas: Victor McCormick Hall (VMC), St. Joe's and Mary Minahan McCormick (MMM) They will complete 30 hours of service during the academic year with a specific community organization that supports people in Brown County. 

Residential Themed Communities (RTC)
Groups of third- and fourth- year students who have common educational endeavors or common co-curricular interests will have the opportunity to reside together in a service-oriented residential environment. Service upperclass areas establish a direct link between residential, academic and co-curricular life for students while enhancing students’ academic, cultural, organizational and personal interests within their living environment. Additionally, service houses allow students to purposefully define their on-campus living experience and contribute to the greater campus community in accordance with their interests.

RTC students commit to 30 hours of service during the academic year with a specific community organization.