Master’s Liberal Studies Mission and Vision Statements
Mission Statement
The Master of Arts in Liberal Studies aims to engage students in an extended dialogue about critical issues of our time, as well as foster the development of advanced analytical and communications skills necessary to better understand and interact with an ever-changing world.
Core Values
- Enhanced educational opportunities for a growing population of adult learners, especially alumni and those who are intellectually curious and engaged, who wish to return to higher education, primarily to improve their skills in critical thinking and written and oral communication, as well as to broaden their perspective through multi-disciplinary courses.
- Deepen and renew commitment to the Liberal Arts at SNC through fostering ongoing conversations among faculty from different disciplines and divisions.
Vision Statement
Five years from now the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies will stabilize enrollments, have wider participation from faculty, increase per semester course offerings, continue to address writing skills of students, review multiple options for thesis projects, and create more flexibility in the program, hopefully offering independent studies, study abroad opportunities, hybrid or online courses, while still maintaining that the main content of the program as face to face learning.
Resources For Students
The Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program at St. Norbert College belongs to the Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs.