Frequently Asked Questions
Are there other entry points, besides fall and spring semester?
Yes, students may start the program during the summer sessions. We make every effort to accommodate the needs of our admitted students with regard to entry points.
When and where are classes held?
Classes are usually held on campus on weekday evenings, Monday through Thursday, or on Saturday mornings. Because classroom discussion is an essential component of the M.L.S. program’s learning experience, online classes generally are not offered.
What if I need to miss a class?
Classroom attendance policies are set at the discretion of faculty; there is not a general attendance policy that applies broadly to the program. It is recommended that any schedule conflicts be discussed with faculty prior to undertaking a course.
How many total credits are required to complete the M.L.S. program?
Thirty-two credits are required for graduation. Fifteen credits are earned through the core courses and 12 are earned through the thematic-area courses. A one-credit course is required sometime during the student’s time in the program; these courses are offered in areas not covered in the core or thematic areas. The course work is completed with a two-credit capstone, which prepares the student for the thesis and is typically offered only in the summer session. The final two credits are earned with the completion of the thesis, which is split between the fall and spring semester following the capstone.
How long will the M.L.S. program take to complete?
Each student sets his or her own pace for the program, based on personal and professional schedules as well as when the student starts. Course requirements can be completed in nine semesters, with the thesis an additional two semesters. We recommend that completion within eight summers of the student’s start, barring special circumstances.
Transfer Credits
Will courses from another graduate program transfer in? If so, how many?
Transfer credits earned in graduate courses taken at other institutions:
Up to six credits (two courses), with a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 or B, may be transferred to the M.L.S. program and applied to thematic areas only. No transfer credits will be allowed in the core areas. Courses must have been taken within two years of the request. A syllabus for the course will be required for review with a written rationale describing which thematic area the course fulfills. All transfer requests will be reviewed by the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies policy committee.
Credit for graduate work taken in other graduate programs at St. Norbert:
Credits taken in the MBA and M.T.S. programs may be considered as substitutions for M.L.S. courses. Substituted credits will count toward the six credits allowed for transfer credits as described above. Substituted credits only will be allowed for the thematic areas.
Requests for substitutions must be submitted to the M.L.S. policy committee prior to taking the course. Syllabus and rational for taking the course must be included in the request. If a student starts in another St. Norbert College graduate program and moves to the M.L.S. program, transfer courses must have been completed within the last two years and have a minimum of a 3.0 (B) GPA.
If you have further concerns or questions, please contact Brenda Busch, graduate admission counselor, at gradadmit@snc.edu or 920-403-3942.
Resources For Students
The Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program at St. Norbert College belongs to the Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs.