A Student’s Rights During a Hearing
During a hearing, the Director of Student Judicial Affairs or designee will explain the following rights afforded to the student during a student conduct process:
- A student has the right to receive notice of the charges against him/her.
- A student has the right to hear a description of the college’s evidence against him/her.
- A student has the right to present their side of the situation.
- A student has the right to have one (1) adult within St. Norbert College (ex: a trained student conduct Process Advisor) OR outside the College and have parent(s)/guardian(s) accompany him/her during a hearing.
- A student has the right to provide a character statement prior to the outcome of his/her sanction.
- A student has the right to appeal the outcome of his/her hearing.
A member of the SNC community who is serving as a student conduct Process Advisor for the student can assist the student with emotional support during the hearing. In a hearing, the student is the primary speaker and the Process Advisor is present primarily for assistance. A parent/guardian does not have a speaking role in a hearing. A student should select as a Process Advisor a person whose schedule allows attendance at the scheduled hearing date and time because delays will not normally be allowed due to the scheduling conflicts of a Process Advisor.
For students participating in a hearing with an Area Coordinator, a more detailed statement of rights is located below:
- The Respondent (the student charged with an alleged violation of The Citizen)
For students participating in a hearing with the Director of Student Judicial Affairs, a more detailed statement of rights is located below:
- The Respondent (the student charged with an alleged violation of The Citizen)
For students participating in a College Community Relations Board hearing, a more detailed statement of rights is located below:
- The Respondent (the student charged with an alleged violation of The Citizen)
For students participating in a Sexual Misconduct Board hearing, a more detailed statement of rights is located below:
- The Reporting Party (the student reporting an alleged violation of The Citizen)
- The Respondent (the student charged with an alleged violation of The Citizen)
Contact Us
Office of Student Judicial Affairs
Phone: 920-403-3054
Email: judicialaffairs@snc.edu