The Appeals Process
Appealing a Decision Rendered by an Area Coordinator or the Director of Student Judicial AffairsStudents wishing to appeal may submit an electronic request for appeal to the office of Student Judicial Affairs three business days from receipt of one's outcome letter. The director or designee will limit the review of appeals to those that qualify under the three approved grounds for appeal. The appeal,if accepted, will be heard by a trained hearing officer other than the person who made the original decision. Once an appeal decision is made, it is final and no further appeals are allowed.
Appealing a Decision Rendered by a Hearing Board
Students wishing to appeal may do so to the college board of appeals within three business days of the receipt of one's outcome letter. The appeal must be submitted electronically by submitting an electronic request for appeal to the office of Student Judicial Affairs. The appeals board will limit the review of appeals to those that qualify under the approved three appeal grounds (see below). The appeal, if accepted, will be heard by a hearing board comprised of hearing board members other than those who sat on the original board. Once a decision is made it is final, and no further appeals are allowed.
Grounds for an Appeal
- Procedural error: The student must demonstrate that there was a material deviation or change from the procedures outlines in policy, that had the proper procedures been followed, the outcome would like have been different.
- New evidence: The student must demonstrate that new evidence became available or discovered after the hearing which would likely have impacted the outcome had the evidence been known and reviewed during the new investigation or hearing. The student needs to present or describe the new evidence in writing and explain why the new evidence was unavailable prior to the hearing.
- Substantial bias: The student must demonstrate facts that show prejudice, bias, or other inappropriate or unlawful factors improperly influenced the outcome.
Students will receive a written notice of the result of their appeal within 14 business days or shortly after. The timeframe is a target deadline and in extenuating circumstances the College reserves the right to extend the time, as needed. An appeal may result in supporting a decision, modifying a decision or dismissing a decision from the hearing board or hearing officer. Students are limited to one appeal, and the decision of the appeal authority is final.
Request for Appellate Consideration
The form for appellate consideration is entirely online. Complete the Request for Appellate Consideration Form.
If you have any questions regarding the appeals process, contact us.
Contact Us
Office of Student Judicial Affairs
Phone: 920-403-3054
Email: judicialaffairs@snc.edu