2022-23 Committee Members
- David Bailey (Chairperson) 2022-A
- Joy Pahl 2021-A
- Alexa Trumpy 2022-A
- Valerie Kretz 2022-A
- Kasia Mills 2022-A
- Kyle Diederich 2022-A
Membership Requirements
Consistent with federal regulations, the St. Norbert College Institutional Review Board shall consist of at least seven members with varying backgrounds to promote complete and adequate review of research activities commonly conducted by the institution. As a college-wide committee, the IRB will be appointed by the college president. Five members will be drawn from among active researchers representing all three academic divisions, the student life division, and the assessment committee. At least one of these appointments should include a scientist with experience conducting non-exempt research. A member at-large will represent the interests of the campus community not directly engaged in human subjects research. Efforts will be made to ensure that at least one of these six is an ethicist (i.e. someone who is knowledgeable about research method, who has a substantial understanding of the broader implications of human subjects research, and who is predisposed to ask questions related to equity, privacy, confidentiality, and risk to human subjects). A seventh member will be appointed who is not otherwise affiliated with the college. Members of the IRB will be expected to have or develop (e.g. through on-line training, review of key documents) the expertise necessary to evaluate the proposals they receive.
The IRB shall be sufficiently qualified through the experience, expertise and diversity of its members, including consideration of race, gender and cultural backgrounds and sensitivity to such issues as community attitudes, to promote respect for its advice and counsel in safeguarding the rights and welfare of human subjects as well as investigators. IRB members will serve a three-year term with rotation. IRB membership may, when necessary be supplemented on a temporary basis, by individuals with specialized expertise.
The chair of the IRB will be appointed by the president in consultation with the vice president for academic affairs. Ordinarily, the IRB chair will serve a one-year term as part of her/his three-year appointment to the IRB. The chair will receive and review all submissions and, if appropriate, confirm approval for research that requires minimal or limited review. The IRB Chair may consult with experts to answer questions at any time. The chair will call meetings of the full IRB whenever a full IRB review is warranted. The chair will conduct minimal and limited reviews based on the application. The IRB will meet at least once each academic year to hear the chair’s report on submissions received and actions taken, to suggest changes in procedure as appropriate, and to construct a report to the AAC and faculty. Minutes of IRB meetings will be posted on its web site and the IRB member representing the Assessment Committee will make regular reports to the Assessment Committee. Suggested changes in IRB procedures will be forwarded to the AAC for action.
Contact Us
Phone: 920-403-3202
Fax: 920-403-4033
Email: irb@snc.edu