How to Apply
Whenever possible, applications and related materials should be submitted as attachments to email messages. Address these messages to: irb@snc.edu.File names for applications and related materials should be descriptive and include the primary investigator's last name, for example: “smith IRB application.doc,” “smith consent statement.doc,” “smith questionnaire.doc.”
Applications may be submitted at any time.
Exempt and Expedited Review
Investigations that are exempt from review by the full IRB will be reviewed and approved by the chairperson of the IRB, or an appropriate designee. Please allow at least one week for review.
Investigations that qualify for expedited review will be reviewed by the chairperson of the IRB and at least one additional member, or by appropriate designees. Please allow at least two weeks for review.
Review by Full IRB
When an investigation requires review by the full IRB, the board will generally convene within 3 weeks of receiving a completed application.
Investigators will be notified of the decision by the full IRB within two weeks after the application has been reviewed.
Contact Us
Phone: 920-403-3202
Fax: 920-403-4033
Email: irb@snc.edu