Premonstratensian Research
This section of the website of the Center for Norbertine Studies is meant to serve as a research portal for those interested in the history and spirituality of the Premonstratensians. Here will be found various links to online resources that are useful for research, as well as various documents relevant for the history of the Premonstratensian order. Over time additional resources and documents will be added, so please revisit this site often to see and utilize what is available.Digitized Books by Norbertine Authors
A listing of books written by Norbertine authors which are available to read online. A special thanks to Wolfgang Grassl, professor of business administration, for compiling the list.
This website presents a multi-faceted approach to the study of a French abbey of Regular Canons.
Prémontré Architectural Sites
A database providing access to nearly 800 photographs that document architectural sites sponsored by the Order of Prémontré. The database is searchable by country, location, dedication, keyword, or the Premonstratensian designation of circary.
The Wisconsin Diaries of Father Maximilian Gaertner, O. Praem.
This is the diary of the travels of the Austrian Norbertine priest the Rev. Maximilian Gaertner, O. Praem., of Wilten Abbey in Austria. Father Gaertner arrived in Wisconsin in 1846, and remained in Wisconsin until recalled to Wilten Abbey in 1858. He worked primarily with another Norbertine of Wilten abbey, the Rev. Adlabert Inama. Father Gaertner's diaries are an invaluable record of his travels and work in Wisconsin during these years.
The Letters of Father Adalbert Inama, O. Praem.
The Rev. Adalbert Inama of Wilten Abbey was an important missionary priest in 19th century Wisconsin. His correspondence are a valuable and interesting source for the religious and cultural history of the people he served.
*Please enter “Inama” in the search field of Wisconsin Heritage Online.
St. Norbert College Historical Photos
More than 55,000 historical and cultural photos of St. Norbert College available through the Wisconsin Heritage Online portal.
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