900 Years Order of Prémontré
Join the Center for Norbertine Studies, in collaboration with Norbertines and their various associations and affiliates around the world, in celebrating 900 years of the Order.
The opening of the Jubilee Year took place in November 2020 with a message from General Abbot Jos Wouters. Follow all events and read more about the Order at 900premontre.org.
Contact Us
We are located in the Mulva Library, on the second floor in room 201.
Phone: 920-403-3919
Fax: 920-403-4076
Email: cns@snc.edu
Make a Donation
Give a gift online by visiting giving.snc.edu and designating to the Center for Norbertine Studies.
By Mail
Center for Norbertine Studies
c/o College Advancement
St. Norbert College
100 Grant St.
De Pere, WI 54115-2099
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