Art Galleries Frequently Asked Questions
Are the galleries open to the public or just for art students?
We are open to the general public.
Where can I find information about exhibitions and events?
You can find information about our exhibitions and events on this website, on our Facebook page and on our blog.
May I bring food and drink into the galleries?
Most of the time, food and drink are allowed in the galleries. We do ask that you be careful and do not set food or drinks on gallery pedestals. There are occasional exhibitions when, due to contractual agreements, we can’t allow food in the galleries. That is why you occasionally see a “no food and drink” sign when you visit.
Is the work on exhibit for sale?
We are not a sales gallery, but if you see something you like, please feel free to email the curator Shan Bryan-Hanson at shan.bryan-hanson@snc.edu, so she can connect you with the artist.
Do you accept artist proposals?
Other than shows of work by our current students, we only exhibit work by professional artists with exhibition records. If you are a professional artist, we’d love to take a look at your work. We strongly prefer email submissions. Email an introduction and link to your website to curator Shan Bryan-Hanson at shan.bryan-hanson@snc.edu. Please understand that we have more interest in exhibit opportunities than available exhibition space, and therefore we schedule a few years out.
Hours of Operation (during exhibitions)
Mondays through Fridays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.. during the academic year.
The galleries are closed weekends and college holidays.
Contact Us
Bush Art Center Galleries
Contact the art curator Shan Bryan-Hanson at shan.bryan-hanson@snc.edu.
The Art Discipline
Visit the art discipline website to learn more about art at St. Norbert College.