About the Galleries
The art galleries of St. Norbert College, comprised of three gallery spaces located on the ground floor of the Carol & Robert Bush Art Center, feature rotating contemporary art, design and art historical exhibitions.
The art galleries are free and open to the public. The galleries are closed on college holidays and occasionally close during regular hours due to exhibition installation.
A Learning Laboratory
The art galleries and collections serve as a laboratory, offering students experiential learning opportunities in curatorial practice and arts management through work-study and fellowship positions.
Opportunities for St. Norbert students to exhibit art are provided through annual juried student art exhibitions and senior art exhibitions. The Senior Art Exhibition is the capstone experience for SNC art and design majors. Student art is also exhibited in the student-curated and managed Clubhouse Gallery, located on the second floor of the Bush Art Center.
Hours of Operation (during exhibitions)
Mondays through Fridays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.. during the academic year.
The galleries are closed weekends and college holidays.
Contact Us
Bush Art Center Galleries
Contact the art curator Shan Bryan-Hanson at shan.bryan-hanson@snc.edu.
The Art Discipline
Visit the art discipline website to learn more about art at St. Norbert College.