Frequently Asked Questions
Find out answers to your questions about Academic Peer Mentoring.How do I know if Academic Peer Mentoring is offered for my course?
The Academic Peer Mentoring schedule, which includes a list of courses and APM sessions, will be available at the beginning of each semester. Also, ask your professor to see if it’s available.
What occurs at an Academic Peer Mentoring session?
Academic Peer Mentoring is an opportunity for students to work together to explore important concepts, review, reinforce and provide practice with course content.
I filled out the scheduling survey in class...now what?
Days, times and locations for Academic Peer Mentoring sessions are determined by faculty and mentors, from the feedback via the schedule survey.
The session days/times do not fit my schedule. What should I do?
Based on the number of students in a class, it is impossible to accommodate everyone’s preferences. We try to select days, times and locations that make Academic Peer Mentoring available to the largest number of students once per week.
For students who are not able to attend, other options are ...
- Meet with professors during office hours or make an appointment
- Meet with TA’s (if applicable)
- Form your own study group with students in the same class
- Refer to credible web-based resources (ask professor, TA, or a librarian for references)
How often are Academic Peer Mentoring sessions held?
At least two or more sessions are facilitated by Academic Peer Mentors per week. Please see the academic peer mentoring schedule for specific times, days, and locations for your course.
Is my session canceled due to weather or other calendar events?
Academic Peer Mentor sessions follow St. Norbert College calendar. For example, classes are not in session during college holidays, fall and spring breaks, and times of inclement weather. Please check with your Academic Peer Mentor if you’re unsure.
Who attends Academic Peer Mentoring?
Academic Peer Mentoring is open to all students who are in the participating course(s). Academic Peer Mentoring is voluntary; however, the data suggests when students attend regularly, their overall final grade is better. We recommend attending Academic Peer Mentoring once per week.
What if sessions overlap?
With the amount of Academic Peer Mentoring sessions each week, it may result in unintentional overlap. When a conflict occurs, we recommend students attend the APM session for the course that they need the most support. Stop into the Office of Academic Success, Support and Accessibility for additional strategies or assistance.
My course is not listed, what can I do for help?
We recommend you reach out to the Office of Academic Success, Support and Accessibility. Also, talk with your professor during their office hours or schedule an appointment with them for extra guidance.
Why do some Academic Peer Mentoring sessions change days/times?
Changes to the APM schedule may occur before or after an exam. Faculty or Academic Peer Mentors may change days/times to accommodate for a longer review.
Contact Us
Mulva Library, Rm 303
Hours of Operation
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-1321
Fax: 920-403-4021
Email: acadsupport@snc.edu
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