Academic Success, Support & Accessibility
We provide all students supportive services including study skills help, time management training, reading skill development, individual and group tutoring, academic coaching, academic counseling and advising, as well as resources for students with disabilities.
Online Help from Academic Success
With multiple modes of instruction being provided, we are here to help students navigate this academic environment with study tips and any concerns that may arise.
Academic Assistance
We offer academic advising, coaching and strategy assistance to students looking to sharpen their skills.
Students With Disabilities
Legal and appropriate accommodations will be provided to any student with a documented disability.
Student Resources
Help for struggling students and study tips for specific courses are available online.
Use this Semester at a Glance Calendar to stay organized.
Faculty Resources
Information concerning academic programs, disability services and accommodations are provided for SNC faculty.
Contact Us
Mulva Library, Rm 303
Hours of Operation
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-1321
Fax: 920-403-4021
Email: acadsupport@snc.edu
Connect With Us
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