Housing Accommodations for Students With Disabilities
Housing accommodations are reasonable modifications or necessary forms of assistance that give a student that has self-identified as having a documented disability whose health, mobility or other issues may impact their ability to equally access the services or programs in their housing areas. Students may request housing accommodations to mitigate the impact of their disability.
The Office of Academic Success, Support and Accessibility (OASSA) does not have the ability to stipulate housing preference (house, townhouse, certain dorms, etc.). OASSA verifies the legal and reasonable accommodations for the student (air conditioning, etc.). If the accommodation/s is granted, Residential Education and Housing (REH) will work on placement once verification is received. All housing accommodation requests are subject to availability and in some cases, when appropriate, may be placed on a waiting list. Accommodations are tailored to a student's need on a case-by-case basis.
Some common housing accommodations include:
- Air Conditioning
- Emotional Support Animals (ESA)
- Alternative Housing Options
If you are interested in receiving housing accommodations due to a disability, please read the Housing Accommodation Policy.
Contact Us
Mulva Library, Rm 303
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-1321
Fax: 920-403-4021
Email: acadsupport@snc.edu