Craig Ford, professor at St. Norbert College, teaches a course. background

Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC)


WAC Fellows

Writing Across the Curriculum Fellows are faculty who have a vested interest in supporting student writers at SNC. Faculty members undertake this semester-long fellowship to design an upper-division (300- or 400-level) course in their discipline as writing intensive (WI). WAC Fellows engage with scholarship from WAC and writing studies, accessible and equitable pedagogies, and writing in the disciplines.

Congratulations to the 2023 WAC fellows:

Lindsey Bosko-Dunbar
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Working on the course MATH 250, “Foundations of Advanced Mathematics”

Ben Chan
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Working on the course PHIL 315, “Ethics”

Stephen Ferguson
Assistant Professor of Biology
Working on the course BIOL 372, “Systemic Physiology”

Congratulations to the 2022 WAC fellows:

Craig Ford 
Theology and Religious Studies
Assistant Professor of Theology and Religious Studies
Offering the course THRS 333, “Christian Ethics”

Anh Sy Huy Le
Assistant Professor of History
Offering the course HIST 213, “The Vietnam War Through Archival Documents”

Laura Krull
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Offering the course SOCI/WMGS 346, “Intersections of Privilege”
