The Writing Center
Working on a research paper in history? A lab report in chemistry? A journal assignment in ESL? A case study in business? A cover letter for an internship? Notes for a program in music or art? A résumé for your dream job? The next great American novel? We can help.The Writing Center is open to all students at St. Norbert College. We’re not just for beginning or unconfident writers; the best writers know to seek out the opinions of others. You can visit the Writing Center during all of your years at SNC. Our consultants teach all writers at all levels, from first-year students to seniors. Whether you feel like a novice or consider yourself an expert, the Writing Center can help you become a stronger writer, critical thinker and researcher.
What Happens During a Consultation?
Which topics will you discuss with your consultant, and for how long? Click here to learn about what happens during a consultation.
How Do I Schedule an Appointment?
To schedule an appointment, visit our online scheduling system .
When you use this system for the first time, you will need to create an account using your SNC email address. (Use a unique password, not the same one you use for your email.) After you create your account, click the scheduling link any time you want to arrange an appointment. For more information on scheduling an appointment, Click Here.
Contact Us
We are located on the first floor of the Mulva Library
Hours of Operation
Monday-Thursday: 10 a.m.-11 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Sunday: 6-11 p.m.
The center is not open during advisement days, college holidays or breaks, or exam weeks.
Phone: 920-403-3003
Email: writing@snc.edu