Criteria for Academic Service-Learning
The definition of academic service-learning at St. Norbert College (a pedagogical method that enhances the curriculum by integrating academic and civic learning with authentic community service) reflects the three criteria set forth by Jeffrey Howard, editor of the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, for determining whether or not a course is considered service-learning.
The three criteria are as follows:
- Relevant and meaningful service with the community – there must be service provided in the community that is both relevant and meaningful to all stakeholder parties.
- Enhanced academic learning – the addition of relevant and meaningful service with the community must not only serve the community but also enhance student academic learning in the course.
- Purposeful civic learning – the addition of relevant and meaningful service with the community must not only service the community and enhance student academic learning in the course, but also directly and intentionally prepare students for active civic participation in a diverse democratic society.
Contact Us
Our office is located in Todd Wehr Hall on the 2nd level, room 229.
Hours of Operation
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-3363
Email: sturzlcenter@snc.edu
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