St. Norbert College Academic Honor Code
The St. Norbert College experience is rooted in a deep sense of communio, and is characterized by relationships that are based on mutual esteem, trust, sincerity, faith and responsibility. Nowhere are these characteristics more important than in the rigorous pursuit of academic excellence.
In that regard, academic honesty is one of our cherished values at St. Norbert College, and any form of academic misconduct is among the most serious of offenses. The members of our college community are committed to upholding the academic integrity of the institution by addressing matters of academic misconduct with a formative process that is transparent, unbiased, and timely in both its methods and its outcomes. The guiding principle of this process is accountability for the consequences of one's choices, informed by dialogue, in the pursuit of truth.
Faculty Guide to Student Conduct
Academic Misconduct and Sanctions
Honor Code Procedures
Sign the Honor Code Pledge
Process Flow Chart
View PDF version of process flow chart.