Selected Speakers
Notable Speakers | |
Martha Nussbaum |
September 23, 2022 |
John Corvino |
February 20, 2020 |
Carrie Tirado Bramen |
September 19, 2019 |
Sister Ilia Delio |
April 16, 2019 |
Carol Bruess |
September 27, 2018 |
David M. Carr |
April 5, 2018 |
Daniel P. Horan |
October 26, 2017 |
Maureen O’Connell |
February 23, 2017 |
Martin Gilens |
October 27, 2016 |
Carl Elliott |
March 10, 2016 |
Daniel P. Sulmasy |
November 5, 2015 |
Gary Gutting |
March 12, 2015 |
Philip Clayton |
September 25, 2014 "Between Intelligent Design and New Atheism: Science and Religion at the Crossroads" |
Owen Flanagan Duke University |
February 20, 2014 "Human Flourishing: Lessons From Comparative Philosophy and the Human Sciences" |
Ellen Charry Princeton Theological Seminary |
September 26, 2013 "Happiness in the Christian Life" |
Eleonore Stump St. Louis University |
January 31, 2013 "Human Flourishing and the Common Good: Aquinas on Justice" |
Robert Audi University of Notre Dame |
November 10, 2011 |
Robert Schreiter Catholic Theological Union |
February 15, 2007 "Reconciliation as a Means to Overcoming Polarization" |
Miroslav Volf Yale Divinity School |
September 7, 2006 "Memory, Truth and Reconcilation" |
Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz Drew University |
2005-2006 “Mis Dios: Latinas’ Stories of God” |
Robert Soloman University of Texas |
October 3, 2005 “Emotions, Memory, Narrativity, and ‘Bad Faith’” |
Richard L Schacht University of Illinios at Urbana-Champaign |
January 28, 2003 “Nietzsche and Human Nature” |
John Cobb Claremont School of Theology |
October 10, 2002 "Peril and Promise of a Shrinking Planet" |
John Updike Novelist/Essayist |
April 26, 2001 “An Evening with John Updike" Readings from Current Work” |
Susan Sontag Fiction Writer/Essayist/Cultural Critic Harvard, City College of New York, Columbia University |
December 5, 2000 “Politics and the Arts” |
Peter Phan The Catholic University of America |
November 18, 1999 "What if the World Will Never End" |
Jaroslav Pelikan Yale University |
September 17, 1998 "Continuity and Change in the Christian Tradition" |
Lisa CaHill Boston College |
March 20, 1997 “Euthanasia: A Theological Symposium” |
James Rachels University of Alabama at Birmingham |
September 26, 1996 "What is the Value of a Human Life?" |
Susan Haack University of Miami |
April 11, 1996 “Science as Social? – Yes and No” |
Richard J. Bernstein New School for Social Research |
March 19, 1996 “Hannah Arendt: ‘The Banality of Evil’ Reconsidered” |
Richard Rorty University of Virginia |
February 15, 1996 “Do We Need Ethical Principles?” |
Alvin C. Plantinga University of Notre Dame |
November 9, 1995 “An Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism” |
John Harwood Hick Killeen Chair Resident Scholar |
April 20, 1995 "Is Christianity the Only True Religion?" |
David Tracy The University of Chicago Divinity School |
February 9, 1995 "The Unexpected Return of the Mystics in Contemporary Theology" |
Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. City University New York |
September 28, 1994 “Disuniting of America” |
Rosemary Radford Ruether Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary |
May 4, 1994 “Ecofeminism and Earth Healing” |
Madeleine L'Engle Author |
April 14, 1993 “Story as Truth” |
Rabbi Chaim Potok Author |
October 29, 1992 “The Story as a Map of Meaning for the Modern World” |
M. Shawn Copeland The Divinity School, Yale University |
March 19, 1991 "Measuring the Moment: Is There a Future for Catholic Social Teaching?" |
Rev. Charles Curran Auburn University |
October 21, 1990 "The Rationale for Academic Freedom in Catholic Higher Education" |
Martin E. Marty Divinity School, University of Chicago |
February 18, 1988 “In the Combat Zone over U.S. Values: The Vision of One America vs. The Vision of Many Americas” |
John J. McDermott Texas A&M University |
October 8, 1987 “A Cultural Introduction to Philosophy” |
Rev. J. Bryan Hehir Executive Secretary to the U.S. Council of Bishops |
April 17, 1986 "The U.S. Bishop's Pastoral Letter on the United States Economy: The International Agenda" |
Stanley Hauerwas The Divinity School, Duke University |
April 15, 1985 “The Family – A School of Character?” |
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