ITS Projects
Have an idea or improvement that could use our team's help? Looking to implement a new hardware or software technology? ITS wants to be your partner! Our decades of experience in enterprise applications, infrastructure management, user experience and educational technologies offer SNC a full spectrum of expert technological services. The best time to include ITS on a project is when you are first starting to think about the problem you are trying to solve and before you have selected a solution.
All new project requests will start with a requestor/sponsor completing an ITS Technology Request Form. The intention of this form is to collect criteria about the request to allow for objective project selection and prioritization based on effort and impact to the college.
What is a project?
A project is a temporary endeavor with a beginning, an end, a fixed scope and budget and a defined set of deliverables. It creates a unique product or service and is not part of routine operations. At SNC, we categorize requests as projects or enhancements:
- Projects are generally new technology or significant system changes.
- Enhancements are generally operational improvements to existing technology.
How do I request a project?
Complete the following form:
If you would like help determining whether your request is a project or an enhancement, contact the ITS project manager at tara.lachapell@snc.edu.
When is the best time to include ITS on a project?
The best time to include ITS on a project is at the very beginning. The sooner our team can partner with your team, the sooner we can provide valuable support and input as well as add your request to the project queue. Our experienced IT staff will provide input on specialized topics and considerations that requestors may not initially identify. These include, but are not limited to:
- Data privacy and security protocols
- Requirements for data storage, backup, retention, location and restoration,
- Software authentication
- Integrations with existing software systems
- Hardware inventory processes (asset management) and upgrade schedules
You can view specifcs on the project management process on our policies page.
Project Timelines
Plan ahead! Depending on complexity, project reviews, intake and approval may take 3-6 months. Smaller projects may take 3-6 months from kick-off to implementation, while larger, complex projects might take 6 months to a year or longer.
Contact Us
For Support
Phone: 920-403-4040
Email: servicedesk@snc.edu
Location: Cofrin 119
Visit our Knowledge Base for many self-help articles: servicedesk.snc.edu
To request help, call us, email us, visit us, or submit a request.
For after hours emergencies, call our telephone number and use option #3. An ITS director is available and on call 24/7.