Victor McCormick Hall
Victor McCormick (VMC) Hall is a three-story, coeducational hall with a central, open courtyard. VMC houses 220 students. Students must be second- third- or fourth-year students to live in VMC. Two, three or four residents live in each suite.
This residence hall requires a residential meal plan based on your housing year classification.
Building Features
The basement contains a laundry room and a large study room. Each VMC suite contains a full bathroom.
- Built-in desks with chairs
- Beds
- Built-in closets
- Built-in dressers
- Bookshelves above each desk
- Coat closet
The VMC staff consists of six resident assistants and one area coordinator. All positions are live-in.
Contact Us
Todd Wehr Hall, 315
Office Hours
8 a.m.-noon and 1-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-3360
Email: housing@snc.edu