Hugh Hall
Hugh Hall houses 32 total residents who are fourth- or third-year students. It is located at 410 College Ave. above the Facilities Service Center.
Hugh Hall has 22 single rooms, 14 with individual bathrooms and 4 singles in which two single rooms share a bathroom. Hugh Hall also has five double rooms with in-room bathrooms.
- Bed(s)
- Desk and chair
- Dresser
- Built-in closet
- Bathroom
- Central air conditioning
- Laundry room
- Common lounge area
- Common kitchen area with two refrigerators and cooking stations
Hugh Hall residents should become familiar with the living guidelines, which can be found on the main page of the housing website under Forms and Information.
Each room includes wireless internet. Please see the ITS Service Desk page for more details.
Hugh Hall is supported by one area coordinator and one community assistant. Please see the Staff and Student Staff pages for contact information.
Contact Us
Todd Wehr Hall, 315
Office Hours
8 a.m.-noon and 1-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-3360
Email: housing@snc.edu