Doksany Hall
Doksany Hall has 15 single rooms available for female students. All bedrooms have laminate flooring and include access to internet and cable TV service. Rooms 106 and 212 are larger in size.Furnishings
The living room includes:
- Three couches
- End table
- Television set
- Cable television setup
- Carpeting
- Table and chairs
- Two tables with chairs
- Four refrigerators
- Two stoves
- Microwave
- Cupboards
- Linoleum floor
There is a full bathroom on each of the two floors.
All Doksany Hall residents are expected to be familiar with the living guidelines, which can be found on the main page of the housing website under Applications, Forms & Information.
Doksany Hall includes wireless internet. Please see the ITS Service Desk page for more details.
*Residents of Doksany Hall do not have access to a driveway.
Doksany Hall is supported by an area coordinator and a community assistant. Please see the Staff and Student Staff pages for contact information.
Contact Us
Todd Wehr Hall, 315
Office Hours
8 a.m.-noon and 1-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-3360
Email: housing@snc.edu