Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Why should I attend the lectures?
The Great Decisions Lectures Series keeps you informed about relevant global topics. You will also have an opportunity to engage with each speaker in a Q&A portion.
When are the lectures?
The 2022 lectures take place on Wednesday evenings in February, March and April. Each lecture begins at 6:30 p.m. Please see the Great Decisions home page for the full schedule.
How long are the lectures?
Each 40-minute lecture is followed by a 20-minute question-and-answer session.
Where are the lectures?
All of our 2022 lectures will take place virtually.
Who may attend the lectures?
The lectures are open to the public.
How much does it cost to attend?
It's free! There is no charge to attend the lecture series.
May I purchase the briefing book that is published each year by the Foreign Policy Association?
Yes, you may purchase a briefing book at the St. Norbert College Bookstore or through the Foreign Policy Association. The cost of a book is $35.
May I purchase a subscription that includes admittance to all of the lectures and the briefing book?
We no longer make subscriptions available for purchase.
What should I do if I can’t attend a lecture, but I want to listen to the remarks?
We record each lecture and will make the recordings available on the Great Decisions web page.
Contact Us
Bev Moeser
Phone: 920-403-3494
Email: cge@snc.edu