Body Image Self-Test
The following questionnaire will tell you whether or not you think or behave in a way that indicates that you have tendencies toward anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.Answer the questions below honestly. Respond as you are now, not the way you used to be or the way you would like to be. Add up your answers. Do not leave any questions blank unless instructed to do so.
1. I have eating habits that are different from those of my family and friends. | 1=Often 2=Sometimes 3=Rarely 4=Never |
2. I find myself panicking if I cannot exercise as I planned, because I am afraid that I will gain weight if I don’t. | 1=Often 2=Sometimes 3=Rarely 4=Never |
3. My friends tell me that I am thin, but I don’t believe them because I feel fat. | 1=Often 2=Sometimes 3=Rarely 4=Never |
4. (females only) My menstrual period has stopped or become irregular due to no known medical reasons. | 1=True 2=False |
5. I have become obsessed with food to the point that I cannot go through a day without worrying about what I will or will not eat. | 1=Almost always 2=Sometimes 3=Rarely 4=Never |
6. I have lost more than 15% of what is considered to be a healthy weight for my height (e.g., female, 5’4" tall loses 20 pounds when a healthy weight for her is approximately 122 pounds). | 1=True 2=False |
7. I would panic if I got on the scale tomorrow and found that I had gained two pounds. | 1=Often 2=Sometimes 3=Rarely 4=Never |
8. I find that I prefer to eat alone or when I am sure that no one will see me, and thus make excuses so that I can eat less and less often with friends or family. | 1=Often 2=Sometimes 3=Rarely 4=Never |
9. I find myself going on uncontrollable eating binges during which I consume large amounts of food to the point that I feel sick and make myself vomit. | 1=Never 2=Less than one time per week 3=One to six times per week 4=One or more times per day |
10. (NOTE: Answer only if your answer to #9 is “1.” Otherwise leave blank.) I find myself compulsively eating more than I want to while feeling out of control and/or unaware of what I am doing. | 1=Never 2=Less than one time per week 3=One to six times per week 4=One or more times per day |
11. I use laxatives or diuretics as a means of weight control. | 1=Never 2=Rarely 3=Sometimes 4=On a regular basis |
12. I find myself playing games with food (e.g. cutting it up in tiny pieces, hiding food so people will think I ate it, chewing it and spitting it out without swallowing it, keeping hidden stashes of food). | 1=Often 2=Sometimes 3=Rarely 4=Never |
13. People around me have become very interested in what I eat and I find myself getting angry at them for pushing me to eat more. | 1=Often 2=Sometimes 3=Rarely 4=Never |
14. I have felt more depressed and irritable recently than is typical for me and/or have been spending and increasing amount of time alone. | 1=True 2=False |
15. I keep a lot of my fears about food and eating to myself because I am afraid no one would understand. | 1=Often 2=Sometimes 3=Rarely 4=Never |
16. I enjoy making gourmet and/or high calorie foods for others as long as I don’t have to eat any myself. | 1=Often 2=Sometimes 3=Rarely 4=Never |
17. The most powerful fear in my life is the fear of gaining weight or becoming fat. | 1=Often 2=Sometimes 3=Rarely 4=Never |
18. I exercise a lot (more than 4 times per week and/or more than 4 hours per week) as a means of weight control. | 1=True 2=False |
19. I find myself totally absorbed when reading foods or magazines about dieting, exercising, fitness or calorie counting to the point that I can spend hours studying them. | 1=Often 2=Sometimes 3=Rarely 4=Never |
20. I tend to be a perfectionist and am not satisfied with myself unless I do things perfectly. | 1=Almost always 2=Sometimes 3=Rarely 4=Never |
21. I go through long periods of time without eating (fasting) or eating very little as a means of weight control. | 1=Often 2=Sometimes 3=Rarely 4=Never |
22. It is important for me to try to be thinner than all of my friends. | 1=Almost always 2=Sometimes 3=Rarely 4=Never |
Step 1: Add your responses for find your total score.
Step 2: Compare your score with the chart below.
38 or less | Strong tendencies toward anorexia nervosa If you scored below 50, it would be wise for you to: 1. Seek more information about anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa 2. Contact a counselor, pastor, teacher or physician in order to find out if you have an eating disorder and, if you do, how to get some help. |
39-50 | Strong tendencies toward bulimia nervosa If you scored below 50, it would be wise for you to: 1. Seek more information about anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa 2. Contact a counselor, pastor, teacher or physician in order to find out if you have an eating disorder and, if you do, how to get some help. |
50-60 | Weight conscious May or may not have tendencies toward an eating disorder. Not likely to have anorexia or bulimia nervosa. May have tendencies toward compulsive overeating, obesity or binge-eating disorder. If you scored between 50 and 60, it would be a good idea for you to talk to a counselor, pastor, teacher or physician in order to find out if you have an eating disorder, and if you do, how to get some help. |
Over 60 | Extremely unlikely to have anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa However, scoring over 60 does not rule out tendencies toward compulsive eating, binge-eating disorder or obesity. If you scored over 60, but have questions and concerns about the way you eat and/or your weight, it would be a good idea for you to talk to a counselor, pastor, teacher or physician in order to determine if you have an eating disorder and, if you do, how to get some help. |
Note: Eating disorders are potentially life-threatening disorders which can be overcome with the proper information, support and counseling. The earlier you seek help the better, although it is never too late to begin the road to recovery. For more information, a complete assessment or help and support, contact CAPS in the Mulva Family Fitness and Sports Center, 2nd floor or call 920-403-3045.
*Copyright 1982: K. Kim Lampson, Revised 1987, 1989, 1995. All rights reserved. Please contact Dr. Lampson Reiff for permission to copy.
K. Kim Lampson Reiff, Ph.D.
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