Depression Concerns
Depression affects one in five people. Not all people who are depressed become suicidal, but it can happen. Depression is treatable and one thing that help most people deal with depression is to talk about it. There is help out there and we want to help you get what you need.What Causes Depression?
Depression encompasses a wide range of conditions that can be relatively brief, such as:
- The death of a pet
- A failed grade
- Break-up of a relationship
- Seasonal changes
- Sad or irritable mood (sad is more common among women, irritable is more common among men)
- Too much sleep or trouble getting enough sleep
- Loss of interest or pleasure in things
- Feelings of guilt, helplessness, hopelessness or worthlessness
- Low energy
- Difficulty concentrating
- Weight gain or weight loss
- Feeling agitated, keyed up, “hyper” or anxious
- Loss of sexual or romantic interest
- Pessimistic view of self, others or “the world”
Without knowing the specifics of your situation, it’s hard to give advice on how to deal with it. However, some general advice includes:
- Increase cardiovascular exercise
- Actively seek help from someone you trust. For example, a friend or family member, an advisor, RA, hall director, psychologist, priest or other trusted staff/faculty member.
- Examine biological factors that might be contributing to your depression, such as low thyroid, lack of vitamin D, heavy alcohol use or a history of head injuries to list a few.
- Examine your thinking patterns and make changes if your patterns are consistently negative.
If you think a student you know is suicidal or is seriously contemplating suicide, please contact your Resident Assistant (RA), Area Coordinator (AC) or Campus Safety.
Contact Us
Counseling Services Hours
Academic Hours:
Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
Summer Hours:
Monday 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
Wednesday 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
After Hours
If you have a mental health crisis call Campus Safety at 920-403-3299, Prevea at 888-277-3832 or 988 for local crisis line.
Please contact our office to make a confidential appointment by:
Phone: 920-403-3266
Fax: 920-403-3099
Mulva Family Fitness and Sports Center
601 Third St.,
2nd Floor
Enter the Third St. entrance, turn right for elevator and stair access.