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Frequently Asked Questions

When will Commencement 2025 take place?
Commencement will take place Sunday, May 18, starting at 2 p.m.

When will Baccalaureate Mass take place?
Baccalaureate Mass is scheduled for Sunday, May 18, at 10 a.m. 

Where will Commencement weekend festivities be held?
Both Mass and Commencement will be held indoors in the Mulva Family Fitness & Sports Center on the college campus. 

Do we need tickets for Commencement?
Yes, each graduate will be allotted four tickets, which will be distributed at the Cap & Gown Event on Thursday, May 1, from 4-6 p.m., in the Miriam B. & James J. Mulva Library. 

Tickets are required for all guests, regardless of age. This is to comply with a safety requirement to assure an accurate building occupancy count in case of an emergency. Due to the length and nature of the Commencement ceremony, guests are discouraged from bringing young children into the arena.

What is the student graduate fee?
A fee of $200 is charged to all graduating students in the academic year of graduation via their SNC account.

What if we have more than four people who want to attend?
The Commencement ceremony will be broadcast live in an overflow seating location: the first-floor presentation room in the Miriam B. & James J. Mulva Library. This location is appreciated by older and younger guests who are not able to sit for long periods of time and prefer to move around during the ceremony. No tickets are required for the overflow seating. 

Up to two additional tickets per graduate may be requested. Additional tickets are not guaranteed; they will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Those interested should email commencement@snc.edu to be added to the waitlist.

If students have additional tickets that they do not need, they should email commencement@snc.edu to arrange returning them.

How early can we arrive for the Commencement ceremony?
All seating is on a first-come basis and the arena doors will be open beginning at 1 p.m. 

Where can I find details about the Commencement Brunch?
The Commencement Brunch will take place at Ruth's Marketplace on Sunday, May 18, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Tickets are required – $16 for adults, $12 for children ages 5-12 and free for children ages 0-4.

Please purchase tickets by May 15 as only a limited amount will be available at the door the day of the event. View the menu.

On our arrival to campus, where can we park?
All campus parking lots are available for Commencement parking. Please refer to the campus parking map. ADA parking is available in lot P5; vehicles must have a disabled parking permit displayed.

Some city streets will be available for parking. Please park properly and legally. Street parking requires a 4-foot setback from driveway entrances. Please cooperate in allowing emergency vehicle access by not parking on the dead-end streets south of campus. Also, the college asks your cooperation in not parking on college-owned or public lawns in the neighborhood before or after Commencement.

What if a student forgets a cord or loses a tassel?
Volunteers carry extra tassels, cords, bobby pins, safety pins, etc., to assist students during lineup.

Will there be a reception following the Commencement ceremony?
Following the ceremony, we invite graduates and guests to join the campus community for a reception with drinks and light snacks on the patio outside of Michels Commons (rain site: Ruth’s Marketplace).

Will a professional photographer take pictures as diplomas are distributed or will I be allowed to take pictures from in front of the stage?
The college photographer will capture the moment of each graduate being congratulated by President Laurie Joyner This color photo is free, and a digital version will be emailed to each graduate in early June. 

You may also take your own photos, but we ask for your cooperation. Ushers will be in the area just to the left of the stage and will help you get positioned for a good photo shortly before your graduate crosses the stage. Please return to your seat immediately after taking your photos.

Will Commencement be streamed live on the internet?
Yes, the Baccalaureate Mass will be streamed at 10 a.m. Sunday, May 18, and the Commencement ceremony will be streamed at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 18. Links to the livestreams will be posted on the Commencement home page. Both events will also be broadcast in an overflow seating location: the first-floor presentation room in the Miriam B. & James J. Mulva Library. 

The video recording of the ceremony will continue to be available via YouTube after Commencement weekend.

How long is the Commencement ceremony?
The Commencement ceremony will last approximately two hours.

Will we be able to take photos on campus before or after Commencement?
Yes! You are always welcome to use our beautiful campus as a backdrop for photos of your graduate and your family.

Taking a photo with the Abbot Pennings statue, located in the lobby of the Mulva Library, has become a beloved SNC tradition for our Green Knight grads – and this year will be no different! The library foyer will be open to allow students to snap a photo with the abbot and check this off their SNC bucket lists.

Will accommodations for persons with disabilities be made available?
A sign-language interpreter will be on hand during both the Baccalaureate Mass and the Commencement ceremony. To ensure optimal viewing of the sign-language interpreter during the Commencement ceremony, please let the ticket collector know you would like to sit in the area reserved for those needing ADA accommodations.

A limited supply of assisted listening devices will be available and can be picked up at the concession area in the lobby of the Mulva Family Fitness & Sports Center. Loaner wheelchairs also will be available upon request.

Will there be a first aid station at Commencement?
First aid will be available in the second-floor health and wellness offices in the Mulva Family Fitness & Sports Center during the Commencement ceremony. St. Norbert College registered nurses will staff the first-aid station. Loaner wheelchairs will be available upon request.

Is smoking allowed on campus?
St. Norbert College is a tobacco-free campus. Smoking, vaping and chewing tobacco are not permitted in any college building or on the college grounds. Please respect this campus policy, which was endorsed by the SNC Student Government Association.

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