Undergraduate Research Resources
Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR)
The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) is a national organization that supports and promotes high-quality undergraduate student-faculty collaborative research and scholarship. CUR’s publications and outreach activities are designed to share successful models and strategies for establishing and institutionalizing undergraduate research programs. One of the goals of CUR is to assist administrators and faculty members in improving and assessing the research environment at their institutions. CUR also provides information on the importance of undergraduate research to state legislatures, private foundations, government agencies and the U.S. Congress.
National Conferences on Undergraduate Research
The National Conferences on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) is dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship and creative activity in all fields of study by sponsoring an annual conference for students. This gathering of young scholars welcomes presenters from all institutions of higher learning and from all corners of the academic curriculum. NCUR creates a unique environment for the celebration and promotion of undergraduate student achievement, provides models of exemplary research and scholarship and helps to improve the state of undergraduate education.
Contact Us
Phone: 920-403-3527
Fax: 920-403-4033
Email: collaborative@snc.edu