Health Issues
In addition to the information provided by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Health Services provides immunization information to students via their online study abroad account. You must take responsibility for reviewing and understanding the recommended and required immunizations for your host country or countries. Please note that you must cover all costs associated with immunizations. Remember that some immunizations require a series or spacing for protection (as long as three or six months for a series of shots), so allow as much time as possible for immunization. You are encouraged to schedule a one-on-one consultation with Health Services for additional information.
Prescriptions and Medications
Before packing, contact International SOS to determine the legality and availability of prescription medications in your host country or countries. If necessary, work with your treating physicians far enough in advance to seek alternative treatment.
When traveling, keep all medications in their original packaging and pack them in your carry-on luggage with copies of all prescriptions. Consider carrying a doctor’s note explaining your need for the prescription drugs that you have packed. Be sure to take enough of your prescription medications to last the duration of travel. If an insurance provider will not fill a prescription that will last as long as the trip, you can try to resubmit the request with a letter of explanation. If you will need to renew a prescription abroad, contact International SOS prior to departure to ensure that the medication is available locally. In this case, you will need to schedule an appointment with a local physician abroad to receive a new prescription. Overseas pharmacies cannot refill U.S.-based prescriptions.
- Read the U.S. Department of State’s report on traveling with medication
- If departing from a U.S. airport, review the procedures posted by the Transportation Security Administration
Students are permitted to consume alcohol in a responsible manner if they are of legal drinking age according to the host country’s laws. Violations of local laws, St. Norbert College policies, and/or the host program’s policies will be considered on a situational basis by the Center for Global Engagement, the host institution (for semester-long programs) or Faculty Director (for Global Seminars), and Judicial Affairs at St. Norbert College. Students who exhibit excessive, irresponsible intoxication, behavior that interferes with the rights of others, or behavior that causes a disruption in the program may be dismissed from the program at the student’s own expense.
Drinking heavily is viewed as culturally inappropriate in many places and does not reflect the values of St. Norbert College. Respect the cultural norms of your host country or countries and the expectations as a SNC student.
Possession or consumption of illegal drugs (by U.S. definition or by definition of the host country) results in immediate termination of the program at the student’s expense. Remember that once you venture beyond U.S. borders, you are no longer protected by U.S. laws or constitutional rights.
Mental Health Abroad
An off-campus experience introduces you to changes (e.g., stress factors related to cultural adjustment, distance from your support network, exposure to new environmental factors) that may exacerbate past or current mental health conditions. Prior to departing, meet with a staff member in Counseling & Psychological Services and/or with your current provider in order to prepare for mental health care, resources, and support abroad. If you currently receive treatment for a chronic condition, you should be particularly mindful of meeting with their current provider(s).
Please note that cultural norms and resources related to mental health vary by culture. Although some countries have a broad spectrum of services, other countries have more limited options. Consult with your study abroad advisor about the realities of your host country.
Incident Report
Please use our Incident Report to report incidents that occur during your study abroad or off-campus program. We will review your report, contact necessary parties, and follow up with you in a timely manner.
Staying Healthy
If you currently are seeking treatment for health conditions, consult with International SOS (in addition to Health Services and your treating physician) prior to departure.
Dietary Needs and Preferences
Please discuss your dietary needs and preferences with your study abroad advisor prior to submitting your application. Your advisor will detail the steps that you must take to communicate your needs and preferences to the staff at your host program. Although there is no guarantee of accommodation, all reasonable efforts will be made to honor your requests as long as they are provided in a timely manner.
Maintaining a specific diet abroad can be a challenge depending on the program location. Please remember that it is your responsibility to adapt to your host culture and remain flexible in many ways, including in relation to dietary preferences.
Healthy Relationships
The rules of dating vary from culture to culture. Consider your behavior and inform yourself as best as possible about how dating and relationships generally function in your host culture. For general information about healthy relationships, utilize the resources on loveisrespect.org.
Contact Us
Bemis International Center,
3rd Floor
Hours of Operation
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-3494
Email: cge@snc.edu