English as a Second Language Institute (ESL) Courses
The ESL program offers special courses designed with academic rigor and English language support.
ESLI 042 Beginning Reading
Students increase their vocabulary, read faster, and understand more of what they read. They develop reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, guessing meaning from context, previewing and predicting. Students practice reading authentic material such as short reading passages, simplified short stories and news articles, and an abridged ESL novel.
ESLI 043 Beginning Writing
Students improve their ability to write in English by learning to write simple and compound sentences in English and short, well-organized simple paragraphs which include title, topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a conclusion. Students practice rules of punctuation and capitalization, as well as learn spelling rules. In addition to learning basic writing skills, students study simple verb tenses, nouns, pronouns, adverbs and adjectives.
ESLI 044 Beginning Speaking
Students learn to communicate in English in everyday situations. They learn to ask and answer questions, use the telephone, take messages, pronounce and note simple numbers, and perform functions such as initiating conversations, asking for directions, making invitations, closing conversations, etc. Class activities include performing simple role plays, participating in small groups, and presenting three-minute visual presentations. Students engage in authentic dialogue.
ESLI 045 Beginning Listening
Students practice listening to authentic recorded conversations and monologues on topics of general and cultural interest. The focus in this class is on listening to discourse that is no more than five minutes in length. Students work on understanding phrases, simple sentences and questions, as well as perceiving stress and basic intonation patterns.
ESLI 051 Grammar Topics 1
Students learn and review specific grammar topics including simple tenses, present perfect tense, correct use of nouns, adjectives, and some modals.
ESLI 052 Building Reading Vocabulary
This reading skills course develops skills in reading speed and comprehension. Students are introduced to reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, guessing meaning from context, previewing, predicting, making inferences and giving opinions. Reading materials include short stories, news articles, computer passages and a simplified novel.
ESLI 053 Introduction to Essay Writing
In this course students learn to write well-organized and coherent paragraphs that include a topic sentence and detailed supporting sentences. Students practice a variety of writing styles and forms, which may include narrative, descriptive and expository paragraphs, journals, and letters. By the end of the term, students understand and write a three-paragraph essay. Grammar study includes review and practice of the simple and present perfect tenses, study and practice of noun forms, adjectives, modals, gerunds and infinitives.
ESLI 054 Cultural Immersion 1
In this course, elementary-level students learn to understand general concepts of culture, including gestures, body language and personal space. They study U.S. cultural expectations related to social events, education, retail shopping, restaurant dining and community safety. Students examine the concept of the “American Dream.” Students take their new knowledge outside of the classroom by participating in on-campus activities and off-campus excursions.
ESLI 055 Interactive Listening
In this course students learn to listen for details and inferences as well as main ideas. Students summarize passages heard on audio or video recording. Students learn to discriminate between different stress and intonation patterns, recognize and identify verb tenses, possession markers and plurality.
ESLI 056 Conversation Skills
In this course, students actively practice speaking skills for a variety of situations including requesting and giving information, and practice strategies for beginning, maintaining and ending a conversation. Special attention is given to pronunciation, intonation and correct grammar usage. Activities may include making introductions, giving demonstrations and short speeches, role playing, and group discussions. Active participation in daily classroom activities is required.
ESLI 065 U.S. Society
Students are introduced to U.S. culture and values. Students learn to recognize themes, such as education in the U.S., ethnic and racial assimilation, tourism, U.S. government, religion, entertainment, etc. Students read, discuss and watch video segments that deal with the topic. Students develop confidence in using English as they gain a better understanding of U.S. society.
ESLI 066 Culturally Speaking
This speaking course introduces students to U.S. culture through classroom discussions and role-playing. The class focuses on improving aural/oral skills while giving students the opportunity to communicate in authentic language situations. Students improve listening and speaking skills by comparing and contrasting cultures, including their own.
ESLI 067 Public Speaking
This course develops the oral communication skills of intermediate and advanced-level ESL students. Emphasis is given to speaking in academic, business and professional situations. Reading and writing are also required components of the class. Students develop analytical skills by identifying issues, evaluating options and solving problems. A wide variety of materials and methods may be used to achieve course goals.
ESLI 071 Grammar Topics 2
Students learn and review specific grammar topics including perfect and perfect progressive tenses, general verb review, nouns and pronouns, modals, and passive.
ESLI 072 Skills for Reading Success
This intermediate-level reading class emphasizes reading strategies such as skimming for ideas, scanning for specific information, separating fact from opinion, guessing meaning from context, making inferences and understanding humor. Students improve reading speed and comprehension using such materials as short stories, news articles, and abridged and unabridged novels. An important part of the course is the transition from ESL reading material to authentic first-language texts.
ESLI 073 Essay Writing
This course teaches students to develop a written paper into a unified, coherent, well-supported five-paragraph college-style essay that incorporates clearly written sentences in a variety of styles and mature (complex) sentences. Writing tasks include in-class timed essays, out-of-class process essays with two to three drafts each, summaries of newspaper and magazine articles, and reactions to readings with opinions and personal reflections.
ESLI 074 Cultural Immersion 2
In this course, intermediate-level students learn to apply their understanding of cultural concepts, including nonverbal language and personal space. They deepen their study of U.S. cultural expectations related to social events, academic life, business and public safety. Students continue to analyze the concept of the “American Dream.” Students take their new knowledge outside of the classroom by participating in on-campus activities and off-campus excursions.
ESLI 075 Effective Listening Comprehension
Students listen to extended discourse on a variety of topics in formal and informal settings. Students develop skills to listen for main ideas and specific content, make inferences, and summarize. Students are introduced to note taking and outlining skills while focusing on comprehension and analysis of content.
ESLI 076 Speaking Skills
This course develops the oral communication skills of intermediate-level students. Emphasis is given to speaking in academic, business and professional situations. Reading, writing and listening are also required components of the class. Students develop analytical skills by identifying issues, evaluating options and solving problems. A wide variety of materials and methods may be used to achieve course goals.
ESLI 077 Integrated Study
Check with ESL Director for current offering.
ESLI 078 U.S. Film and Culture
This course introduces students to aspects of U.S. culture through an examination of film, with a focus on developing listening skills. Students examine cultural aspects of U.S. life, including humor, while developing skills to understand main ideas and specific content.
ESLI 081 Current Events
In this course students continue to improve listening comprehension and speaking skills. Students participate in discussions of current social and political issues. Students gather and organize information from sources that include television news, newspapers, magazines, personal interviews and electronic media. Students engage in a variety of activities including out-of-class research, in-class listening exercises, small and large group discussions of news reports, and oral and written presentations.
ESLI 085 Intercultural Business
This is a multi-skill course that introduces students to current business issues in U.S. economic life. Students read, write, listen to and discuss business issues in the context of U.S. cultural values, as presented in television news reports, the Wall Street Journal and other daily or weekly business publications. Spring 1 session.
ESLI 086 Introduction to U.S. History
Students learn about the impact of the Revolutionary War and Civil War on U.S. society. Students will discuss the factors that led to war, the politics involved before and during the war and the major battles fought in each war. Course materials include videos, Internet research, readings and speeches. Major assignments for this course will include presentations, tests and quizzes, written assignments and a research paper. Spring 1 session.
ESLI 088 Introduction to U.S. Literature
This content-based course gives students an overview of various genres in U.S. literature to introduce the most distinguished U.S. authors and their works. The course focuses on aspects of U.S. life and its reflection through literature. Spring 1 session.
ESLI 089 Intercultural Communication
Students listen to, write about, and discuss the meaning of culture and how it influences communication with people from other cultures. Students identify culturally determined values and beliefs about their own culture and identify reasons for the success or failure of intercultural communication. The course combines readings and lectures with problem-solving activities using role plays, discussions, simulations, reflection papers and group discussions. Spring 1 session.
ESLI 091 Grammar Topics 3
Students learn and review specific grammar topics including noun, adjective, and adverb clauses; gerunds and infinitives, connectives, and conditional sentences.
ESLI 092 Academic Reading Skills
In this class students are exposed to the kinds of reading that they can expect to find in their college courses. Course materials include college textbook material, newspaper and journal articles, essays, a full-length unabridged novel, short stories and poetry. Students continue to practice inferencing, skimming, scanning, and summarizing. Students respond to readings through writing, discussions and oral reports.
ESLI 093 Introduction to Academic Writing
This pre-college writing course requires students to use all writing skills to write timed and drafted essays, complete essay exam questions and complete a 6-10 page research paper. Skills taught include brainstorming, outlining, researching, drafting and redrafting, preparing and using notes, source and bibliography cards. Students research, analyze and evaluate issues. In addition, students summarize, paraphrase, quote and document sources.
ESLI 094 Cultural Immersion 3
In this course, advanced-level students become proficient in implementing general concepts of culture, including nonverbal language, personal space, humor and the use of idioms. They evaluate and demonstrate successful study of U.S. cultural expectations related to social, academic and professional situations, as well as community public services. Students synthesize the concept of the “American Dream.” Students take their new knowledge outside of the classroom by participating in on-campus activities and off-campus excursions.
ESLI 095 Lectures and Note Taking
In this class students practice listening to extended speech and lectures, identify key ideas, supporting details and organizational patterns. Content includes guest lectures and recorded lectures. Students are required to observe and report on several college lecture classes. Students learn to take comprehensible notes using note-taking symbols and abbreviations.
ESLI 096 Presentation Skills
In this course students continue to build confidence in speaking by participating in discussions and debates and by making individual oral presentations. Particular attention is paid to developing conversation strategies such as agreeing and disagreeing, interrupting and asking for clarification. Students also work on improving aural comprehension skills by listening to both formal and informal English in a variety of contexts. The focus of this class is on learning to communicate with others in an effective manner. This involves talking in class every day, preparing for discussions and interviewing Americans. Topics of discussion typically include current events and controversial issues.
Ask Us
Visit us on the third floor of the Bemis International Center.
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-3125
Email: esl@snc.edu