How to Hire a St. Norbert College Student Intern
To hire a St. Norbert College student intern, follow these steps:- Review the Requirements for Hiring a St. Norbert College Intern.
- Create a job description for your internship position.
- Review the Career & Professional Development employer policies.
- Post the position for students through Handshake our online system for posting jobs and internships.
- Review student cover letters and resumes.
- Interview students.
- Contact the references provided.
- Select a student for your internship position.
- Inform The Office of Career & Professional Development you have hired an SNC student intern.
- Attend the annual fall and spring career and internship fairs.
- Participate in on-campus recruiting.
- You may wish to meet with the Career & Professional Development office to discuss the St. Norbert College Internship Program and to help you get started on the process. Please call 920-403-3040 to set up an appointment.
Contact Us
Todd Wehr Hall - 124
Hours of Operation
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-3040
Email: careers@snc.edu
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