Programs and Events
Agape Latte
Agape Latte is a speaker series that features our own St. Norbert faculty and staff members who share stories about the intersection of life and faith.
Bible Studies
Students, faculty, and staff are invited to listen to sacred stories from the Bible and reflect on their meaning for our modern lives. Check mySNC for specific groups, dates and times.
Callings & Community
Students strive to live out The Lord's Prayer ("Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Matt. 6:10) through prayer, retreats, and discussion.
Encounter is a peer-to-peer ministry through which students are encouraged to walk their faith journey together through social, prayer, and learning opportunities. Programming takes place in residence halls and in the Campus Ministry building. Check mySNC for specific dates and times.
Morning Prayer
Offered Monday mornings from 8:05-8:20 a.m., when classes are in session.
Navigate: An Exploration of Life and Vocation
Through this year-long experience students will read, reflect, discuss, develop, and write about their understanding of God's callings.
Retreat Opportunities
Retreats offers students a time a place to take a step back from the busyness of life and increase spirituality. We offer retreats across a a spectrum of interest areas and formats. Check mySNC for upcoming retreats.
Thin Place: A collision of earth and heaven
In Celtic Spirituality, a thin place is a place where the veil between heaven and earth is "thin." We call it a collision of earth of heaven. Join us twice each month to share life and seek wisdom in an inclusive community of people singing, laughing, praying, and breaking bread together.
Connect With Us
You can reach our main office by calling 920-403-3155 or emailing campusministry@snc.edu.Follow Campus Ministry on Instagram.
Have access to mySNC? See what’s next on our calendar of events.