How to Apply
- Make contact with Molly Muenster to discuss the need for tutors in the subjects you wish to tutor.
- Submit a completed application to the office of academic success, support
and accessibility and a KnightLine copy of your grades. - Provide professors with recommendation forms to submit.
- Put your name on the form
- List classes the that the professor can certify your competence
- Professors who have had you for math can also sign off on any lower class if they choose
- Language professors can also recommend for classes below 204
What if the professor you had has left the college?
If you received an A, the grade will substitute for your recommendation. If you received a B, please speak with the professor who is currently teaching the class and ask for a recommendation.
What if you took the class at another institution?
Please speak with the professor who is currently teaching the class and ask for a recommendation. The professor will determine if the class you took is comparable and you have sufficient background to be helpful with the current class.
After you have determined that there is a need for the class(es) you wish to tutor and you have requested recommendations, start your paid training.
How Do I Start?
Stop in the office of academic success, support
Before you can work with students, you must complete two modules of training:
- Read the handbook and then meet with Molly for your handbook review. You will be quizzed at that time to check that you are clear on procedures. You can ask any questions that you may have then.
- Watch video about using the Socratic Method in the tutoring process (first video) and complete a reflection sheet.
What Will Be Expected of Me at That First Meeting?
You should have read the handbook and be ready to discuss the contents. Any questions you have will be answered and anything you don’t recall or find confusing will be explained. We want you to be able to function independently and this gives you the process. You will also fill out some paperwork to complete your formal hire. Bring your schedule with you. If you have completed the video and response sheets you can submit them at this time, but if you need more time for these, that is fine.
Contact Us
Temporary Location: Mulva Library, Rm 108
Hours of Operation
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-1321
Fax: 920-403-4021
Email: acadsupport@snc.edu
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