Confidential Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Resources for Students
I would like to speak with someone confidentially about gender-based misconduct, sexual harassment and/or Title IX.
Whether you are a survivor/victim, respondent or witness, these people are available to you. The below on-campus and off-campus resources will keep your identity confidential. They will not report your circumstances to the college without your permission, unless otherwise required by law (such as when the complainant is a minor or when required for Clery reporting purposes). Notwithstanding, a non-identifying report may be made to the Title IX Coordinator and/or Campus Safety so that the college can identify patterns of Sexual Misconduct on campus.
Who Can Use These Resources?
- Anyone with general misconduct questions or questions on something they experienced or witnessed
- Respondents (those accused of sexual misconduct)
- Survivors/victims of sexual misconduct
- Witness to misconduct
Important Notes
- Even these resources, in situations where there is an imminent threat to the safety of the victim or to others, may be required to report the danger to law enforcement.
- Phone numbers may be answered by a receptionist. When you call, specify that you want to speak to a confidential resource.
St. Norbert College Health and Wellness Services
Office hours: Monday-Friday
8:a.m. - 11:30 a.m. and 12:p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Confidential counseling, answering of questions, and medical assistance services are available. A Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) is not available at Health Services.
St. Norbert College Ordained Clergy / Parish
Office hours: Leave a message 24/7/365 and someone will return your call. Calls will be directed to the specific individual with whom one wishes to speak.
- Fr. Mike Brennan, O.Praem.
Parish Office (St. Joe Hall N209) - Fr. Matthew Dougherty O. Praem.
Chris Betcher is a trained Sexual Assault Center volunteer. She helps coordinate access to the Survivor Space in the Alumni House and is available as a confidential resource to students during regular office hours.
- christina.betcher@snc.edu
Main Hall, Room 306
These confidential resources are not affiliated with St. Norbert College.
Be Safe Campaign
920-212-SAFE (7233)
24/7 hotline for support and information for domestic violence services
Crisis Center of Family Services
Counselors are available to listen and provide support and connect individuals with other resources as needed.
3150 Gershwin Drive, Green Bay
920-436-8888 - 24 hour hotline
Golden House
Advocates provides help and healing to victims of domestic violence.
920-432-4244 - 24 Hour Help Line / TTY
Toll Free: 1-877-431-4321
Outreach location: 1120 University Ave.
Walk-in hours: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-F
Sexual Assault Center for Brown County
Their staff of advocates and volunteers offer a wide range of services to survivors and their loved ones regardless of how current the abuse occurred. Bilingual staff are available for survivors from the Hispanic and Southeast Asian communities.
This African American Resource Center provides an array of services, including emotional support and victim health services. They have various support groups, including a sexual assault survivor group for women who identify as African American
430 S. Webster Ave, Green Bay
920-600-4313 - 24 Hour Crisis call or text line
Wise Women Gathering Place
Provides healing, advocacy, and support groups focused in the area of relationships, trauma and all aspects of sexual violence. Services are open to anyone and are infused with a Native America cultural approach.
1641 Commanche Ave, Suite H, Green Bay
St. Norbert College Health and Wellness Services
Office hours: Monday-Friday
8:a.m. - 11:30 a.m. and 12:p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Confidential counseling, answering of questions, and medical assistance services are available. A Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) is not available at Health Services.
St. Norbert College Ordained Clergy / Parish
Office hours: Leave a message 24/7/365 and someone will return your call. Calls will be directed to the specific individual with whom one wishes to speak.
- Fr. Mike Brennan, O.Praem.
Parish Office (St. Joe Hall N209) - Fr. Matthew Dougherty O. Praem.
Chris Betcher is a trained Sexual Assault Center volunteer. She helps coordinate access to the Survivor Space in the Alumni House and is available as a confidential resource to students during regular office hours.
- christina.betcher@snc.edu
Main Hall, Room 306
These confidential resources are not affiliated with St. Norbert College.
Be Safe Campaign
920-212-SAFE (7233)
24/7 hotline for support and information for domestic violence services
Crisis Center of Family Services
Counselors are available to listen and provide support and connect individuals with other resources as needed.
3150 Gershwin Drive, Green Bay
920-436-8888 - 24 hour hotline
Golden House
Advocates provides help and healing to victims of domestic violence.
920-432-4244 - 24 Hour Help Line / TTY
Toll Free: 1-877-431-4321
Outreach location: 1120 University Ave.
Walk-in hours: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M-F
Sexual Assault Center for Brown County
Their staff of advocates and volunteers offer a wide range of services to survivors and their loved ones regardless of how current the abuse occurred. Bilingual staff are available for survivors from the Hispanic and Southeast Asian communities.
This African American Resource Center provides an array of services, including emotional support and victim health services. They have various support groups, including a sexual assault survivor group for women who identify as African American
430 S. Webster Ave, Green Bay
920-600-4313 - 24 Hour Crisis call or text line
Wise Women Gathering Place
Provides healing, advocacy, and support groups focused in the area of relationships, trauma and all aspects of sexual violence. Services are open to anyone and are infused with a Native America cultural approach.
1641 Commanche Ave, Suite H, Green Bay
Harassment/Discrimination Policy
Student Complaint Resolution Procedure
Employee Complaint Resolution Procedure
Heather Butterfield
Assistant Vice President of Human Resources
Main Hall, Garden Level, Room 16