Support Resources and Services (Faculty and Staff)
Local Services
- Bellin Memorial Hospital
- Aurora Bay Care Medical Center
- St. Mary’s Hospital
- St. Vincent Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)
- Brown County Family and Children Services
- Family Services - The Counseling Clinic
- Sexual Assault Center of Family Services
- Employee Resource Center Inc. (for benefit eligible faculty/staff)
Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Services
- Sexual Assault Center Crisis Hotline
319 Crooks St, Green Bay - Be Safe Campaign
920-212-SAFE (7233)
24/7 hotline for support and information for domestic violence services - Crisis Center of Family Services of Brown County
Hotline 920-436-8888
3150 Gerschwin Drive, Green Bay - Golden House
24 Hour Hotline 920-432-4244
Toll Free: 1-877-431-4321
- We All Rise
430 S. Webster Ave, Green Bay - Wise Women Gathering Place
1641 Commanche Avenue, Suite H, Green Bay
Support Groups
- We All Rise (African American Resource Center) - Groups vary- some are open and some are closed. Visit their website and contact them for current information on group support. They currently have a sexual assault survivor group for women who identify as African American.
- Wise Women Gathering Place-Women's Support Group - See site for dates and location, and details or contact information
- Men's Support Group-through Wise Women's Gathering Place - See site for dates and location, and details or contact information
Online Resources
Hotlines or chat
- National Sexual Assault Hotline - 1-800-656-4673
- Chat and Hotline for Domestic Violence - 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) Site also has resources and safety planning information
- Hotline, text and chat options, Love is Respect for domestic and dating violence 1-866-331-9474
- National Alliance on Mental Illness- 1-800-950-6264
Colleges and Sexual Assault
- Changing Our Campus - resources for colleges to address sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking
- Dating Violence and Substance Use in College Students
- Futures Without Violence - sexual assault and Title IX information in relation to college campuses
- Sexual Assault on College Campuses - Information/resources related to sexual assault
- Sexual Violence on Campus: Strategies for Prevention (2016)
Domestic Violence and Abuse
- Break the Cycle -inspires/supports people age 12 - 24 to build healthy relationships and create a culture without abuse.
- Golden House - located in Green Bay, providing counseling, advocacy, shelter and other services.
- Love Is Respect -engage, educate and empower young people on abusive relationships. Free 24 hour text and live chat.
- National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- National Domestic Violence Hotline - hotline and relationship information, resources and statistics
- Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)
Harassment/Sexual Harassment
- U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – information on workplace harassment
- Psychology Today, When Men Face Sexual Harassment
PLBSH – Yes, Men Can Be Sexually Harassed in the Workplace
Gender Violence
- Gender Based Violence on College Campuses - A guide to establishing a model for change
- Ten Things Men Can Do to Prevent Gender Violence - information, links and resources
- Relationship Spectrum - visual chart on healthy and unhealthy and abusive relationships
- Tips for Better Communication
- Setting Boundaries
Resources for Offenders (link contains multiple resources)
Sexual Assault -Victim and Prevention Information and Resources
- Male Survivors -information specific to male survivors of sexual assault.
- National Sexual Assault Hotline
- Safety for Students -information on staying safe, prevention, consent and activism.
Sexual Violence on Campus: Strategies for Prevention (2016) - Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault - publications, training, statewide public awareness campaigns, monitors legislation that impacts survivors and service providers, grants/funding
Sexual Consent
- Love is Respect - examples of what consent may look like, and what is not consent.
- Scarleteen’s Article: Navigating Consent” -information, terminology and communication needed for sexual consent.
- Sexual Assault and Violence Education (SAVE) – Consent -information on consent, and what is not consent.
- What Consent Looks Like
- Privacy Rights Clearinghouse -information on ending harassing phone calls, online privacy, etc.
- The National Center for Victims of Crime
- U.S. Department of Justice – Office on Violence Against Women – Stalking
Supporting Survivors
- RAINN- Tips for talking with survivors
- Health Partners- Helping and supporting someone who has been assaulted
Suicide Prevention
- Alcohol Abuse on Campuses
- Changingourcampus.org - research, evaluation, and assessment of campus response and prevention of sexual assault, dating, domestic violence, and stalking, including information on climate surveys.
- Sexual Assault Statistics
- Gender Based Workplace Violence - facts and information on various forms of gender-based misconduct
Campus Resources
Learn more about various options available on Campus
- Confidential Resources - find both in-campus and off-campus confidential resources
- Reporting - options for reporting a sexual misconduct incident
- Pregnancy and Parenting
- Faculty Resources -academic support, disability services
Confidential Resources
Whether you are a survivor/victim, respondent or witness, you may utilize a confidential resource.
The college encourages complainants to report Sexual Misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator immediately. However, the college realizes that complainants may desire to maintain full confidentiality of their reported circumstances.
The Confidential Resources page has both on-campus and off-campus support options for those who wish to talk confidentially about their situation.
Self-Care When Supporting Others
Providing service to others by being a support person in any capacity, including the role as a confidential resource or reporting resource on campus, is not an easy job. Those who help others through difficult events need to provide themselves with self-care and should recognize signs of secondary trauma.Self-care Plans- this site contains checklists and ideas for self-care
Visit the Family and Friends page for additional resources.
Local Services
- Bellin Memorial Hospital
- Aurora Bay Care Medical Center
- St. Mary’s Hospital
- St. Vincent Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)
- Brown County Family and Children Services
- Family Services - The Counseling Clinic
- Sexual Assault Center of Family Services
- Employee Resource Center Inc. (for benefit eligible faculty/staff)
Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Services
- Sexual Assault Center Crisis Hotline
319 Crooks St, Green Bay - Be Safe Campaign
920-212-SAFE (7233)
24/7 hotline for support and information for domestic violence services - Crisis Center of Family Services of Brown County
Hotline 920-436-8888
3150 Gerschwin Drive, Green Bay - Golden House
24 Hour Hotline 920-432-4244
Toll Free: 1-877-431-4321
- We All Rise
430 S. Webster Ave, Green Bay - Wise Women Gathering Place
1641 Commanche Avenue, Suite H, Green Bay
Support Groups
- We All Rise (African American Resource Center) - Groups vary- some are open and some are closed. Visit their website and contact them for current information on group support. They currently have a sexual assault survivor group for women who identify as African American.
- Wise Women Gathering Place-Women's Support Group - See site for dates and location, and details or contact information
- Men's Support Group-through Wise Women's Gathering Place - See site for dates and location, and details or contact information
Online Resources
Hotlines or chat
- National Sexual Assault Hotline - 1-800-656-4673
- Chat and Hotline for Domestic Violence - 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) Site also has resources and safety planning information
- Hotline, text and chat options, Love is Respect for domestic and dating violence 1-866-331-9474
- National Alliance on Mental Illness- 1-800-950-6264
Colleges and Sexual Assault
- Changing Our Campus - resources for colleges to address sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking
- Dating Violence and Substance Use in College Students
- Futures Without Violence - sexual assault and Title IX information in relation to college campuses
- Sexual Assault on College Campuses - Information/resources related to sexual assault
- Sexual Violence on Campus: Strategies for Prevention (2016)
Domestic Violence and Abuse
- Break the Cycle -inspires/supports people age 12 - 24 to build healthy relationships and create a culture without abuse.
- Golden House - located in Green Bay, providing counseling, advocacy, shelter and other services.
- Love Is Respect -engage, educate and empower young people on abusive relationships. Free 24 hour text and live chat.
- National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- National Domestic Violence Hotline - hotline and relationship information, resources and statistics
- Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)
Harassment/Sexual Harassment
- U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – information on workplace harassment
- Psychology Today, When Men Face Sexual Harassment
PLBSH – Yes, Men Can Be Sexually Harassed in the Workplace
Gender Violence
- Gender Based Violence on College Campuses - A guide to establishing a model for change
- Ten Things Men Can Do to Prevent Gender Violence - information, links and resources
- Relationship Spectrum - visual chart on healthy and unhealthy and abusive relationships
- Tips for Better Communication
- Setting Boundaries
Resources for Offenders (link contains multiple resources)
Sexual Assault -Victim and Prevention Information and Resources
- Male Survivors -information specific to male survivors of sexual assault.
- National Sexual Assault Hotline
- Safety for Students -information on staying safe, prevention, consent and activism.
Sexual Violence on Campus: Strategies for Prevention (2016) - Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault - publications, training, statewide public awareness campaigns, monitors legislation that impacts survivors and service providers, grants/funding
Sexual Consent
- Love is Respect - examples of what consent may look like, and what is not consent.
- Scarleteen’s Article: Navigating Consent” -information, terminology and communication needed for sexual consent.
- Sexual Assault and Violence Education (SAVE) – Consent -information on consent, and what is not consent.
- What Consent Looks Like
- Privacy Rights Clearinghouse -information on ending harassing phone calls, online privacy, etc.
- The National Center for Victims of Crime
- U.S. Department of Justice – Office on Violence Against Women – Stalking
Supporting Survivors
- RAINN- Tips for talking with survivors
- Health Partners- Helping and supporting someone who has been assaulted
Suicide Prevention
- Alcohol Abuse on Campuses
- Changingourcampus.org - research, evaluation, and assessment of campus response and prevention of sexual assault, dating, domestic violence, and stalking, including information on climate surveys.
- Sexual Assault Statistics
- Gender Based Workplace Violence - facts and information on various forms of gender-based misconduct
Campus Resources
Learn more about various options available on Campus
- Confidential Resources - find both in-campus and off-campus confidential resources
- Reporting - options for reporting a sexual misconduct incident
- Pregnancy and Parenting
- Faculty Resources -academic support, disability services
Confidential Resources
Whether you are a survivor/victim, respondent or witness, you may utilize a confidential resource.
The college encourages complainants to report Sexual Misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator immediately. However, the college realizes that complainants may desire to maintain full confidentiality of their reported circumstances.
The Confidential Resources page has both on-campus and off-campus support options for those who wish to talk confidentially about their situation.
Self-Care When Supporting Others
Providing service to others by being a support person in any capacity, including the role as a confidential resource or reporting resource on campus, is not an easy job. Those who help others through difficult events need to provide themselves with self-care and should recognize signs of secondary trauma.Self-care Plans- this site contains checklists and ideas for self-care
Visit the Family and Friends page for additional resources.
Harassment/Discrimination Policy
Student Complaint Resolution Procedure
Employee Complaint Resolution Procedure
Heather Butterfield
Assistant Vice President of Human Resources
Main Hall, Garden Level, Room 16