I Am Participating in an Off-Campus Event
What do I need to know if I am leading or participating in an off-campus college program?
Seek Consultation
Faculty, staff, or students who are leading off-campus events such as a student service trips or global seminars should first check in with the area/department of the off campus program (e.g. Global Seminars should check with the Director of Study Abroad) about how faculty and staff members leading such programs are to respond to emergencies.
Service trip program leads and coordinators have emergency service information available to them for the travel locations. These leaders and coordinators are also given focused trainings on safety, prevention and support of Title IX needs and related misconduct off campus. Feel free to contact these leaders to learn more about their efforts or to discuss any concerns.
If the information you need is not available, or if you have additional questions, please contact one of the below resources.
Title IX Coordinator
Available Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
- Additional Staff and faculty resources and information.
- Return to the faculty and staff options page.
Harassment/Discrimination Policy
Student Complaint Resolution Procedure
Employee Complaint Resolution Procedure
Heather Butterfield
Assistant Vice President of Human Resources
Main Hall, Garden Level, Room 16