Events, Initiatives, and Learning Opportunities
Learn about additional ways that St. Norbert College is addressing Sexual Assault and other forms of Gender-Based Violence
Students who are interested in getting involved with any of the initiatives or committees can email titleix@snc.edu.
Initiatives and Committees
Annual Awareness Events |
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Be on the look out for events. Students, faculty, and staff help plan and lead events. Reach out if interested in getting involved. |
Brown County Coordinated Community Response Team (BC CCR) |
Staff from SNC serve on the BC CCR, sharing in the mission to create a partnership of community agencies that will confront and work cooperatively to end sexual and domestic violence in our community. They strive to ensure that the rights, dignity, and safety of victims and offender accountability are top priorities. |
Culture of Respect Collective - NASPA Initiative |
In December 2022, the college completed the final phase of a two-year program with NASPA's Culture of Respect Collective. The project work included a rigorous self-assessment and the creation of goals which targeted organizational change related to sexual violence. The changes and work that resulted from involvement in this project continue to be carried forward. The VAWA Grant work is closely related and often supports goals set in this initiative. |
Student Peer Advocates | SNC, in partnership with the Sexual Assault Center, is recruiting student peer advocates to volunteer with survivors of gender-based violence. |
Sexual Assault Climate Survey |
The confidential 2023 HEDS Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey was administered this spring to all faculty, staff, and students. Results are being reviewed by HEDS and are expected to be available soon.
(SPACE) Toolkit |
SNC is one of several college's selected to be part of a new national partnership to facilitate the Sexual Citizen authors’ SPACE Toolkit project. Our work, which kicked off early last fall, aims to help SNC focus on our environment, including physical spaces, policies, and power inequities, to help us work toward the creation of a healthier, safer culture. |
Survivor Support Groups |
Support Groups and open office hours, facilitated by advocates from the Golden House and Family Services of Northeast Wisconsin, take place weekly on campus during the academic year. |
Title IX Advisory Committee |
SNC students, staff, faculty, Title IX staff members, and a member from the Sexual Assault Center of Brown County make up this committee. Goals include:
Title IX Turned 50 |
2022 marked 50 years since the passage of Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. SNC celebrated through events and initiatives that created awareness and understanding of where and how Title IX started and what Title IX accomplishes today. Learning opportunities included both national history surrounding Title IX and Title IX-related developments on SNC’s campus. Opportunities discussed the identification of continued equity needs for campus, specifically including topics of sex, gender, and sexuality. |
Training Opportunities |
Students, faculty and Staff can access the required online Title IX and Sexual Harassment courses through Work Day. |
VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) Grant |
The VAWA grant was first awarded to the college in October 2019 through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Violence Against Women. In October 2022, we were approved for a grant extension. Learn more here: https://www.snc.edu/wellnessbydesign/vawa/ |
Harassment/Discrimination Policy
Student Complaint Resolution Procedure
Employee Complaint Resolution Procedure
Heather Butterfield
Assistant Vice President of Human Resources
Main Hall, Garden Level, Room 16