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LGBTQ External Resources

The following resources are available for support or more information on various LGBTQ+ issues.

Local Resources

State and local LGBTQ+ community resources

Find an LGBTQ friendly/sex positive provider
If you have concerns about any of these resources or have additions that we should consider adding, please email lgbtqplus@snc.edu.

Local Resources

State and local LGBTQ+ community resources

Find an LGBTQ friendly/sex positive provider
If you have concerns about any of these resources or have additions that we should consider adding, please email lgbtqplus@snc.edu.

Web Resources


  • Athlete Ally-  Educates and offers training opportunities to understand obstacles to inclusion for LGBT people in sports
  • Campus Pride -Provides colleges with resources to create more inclusive athletics departments
  • GO! Athletes - Support network of current and former LGBTQ collegiate and high school athletes who help create safe spaces in athletic community through visibility, education and advocacy
  • NCAA Inclusion of Transgender Student-Athletes
  • Trans* Athlete - resource for students, athletes, coaches, and administrators to find information about trans inclusion in athletics at various levels of play



Health and Wellness (including mental health resources)

More Learning Opportunities

The U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (OCR) has the mission to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence through vigorous enforcement of civil rights in our nation's schools. This includes protecting students from unlawful discrimination and harassment based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, and age. Visit their site to find out more, and for inks to additional resources for LGBTQI+ Students.

Additional Reading


Bronski, M. (2020). Queer history of the United States. Beacon.

Cameron, Loren. (1996). Body Alchemy: Transsexual Portraits. Jersey City, NJ: Cleis Press.

Nestle, J., Howell, C. and Wilchins, R. (Eds.). (2002). GenderQueer: Voices From Beyond the Sexual Binary. Los Angeles, CA: Alyson Publications.

Serano, Julia. (2016). Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity. Berkeley, CA: Seal Press.

Stryker, Susan. (2008). Transgender History. Berkeley, CA: Seal Press.

Sycamore, Mattilda Bernstein. (2006). Nobody Passes: Rejecting the Rules of Gender and Conformity. Emeryville, CA: Seal Press.

Sycamore, Mattilda Bernstein. (2008). So Many Ways to Sleep Badly. San Francisco, CA: City Lights Publishers.

Wilchins, Riki. (2014). Queer Theory, Gender Theory: An Instant Primer. Bronx, NY: Magnus Books. 

Further Reading

Human Rights Campaign Foundation. (April 2014). A Resource Guide to Coming Out. Washington, DC. Retrieved from www.hrc.org/resources/resource-guide-to-coming-out

Hunt, Jerome. (June 2012). A State-by-State Examination of Nondiscrimination Laws and Policies: State Nondiscrimination Policies Fill the Void but Federal Protections Are Still Needed. Washington, DC: Center for American Progress Action Fund.

Jordan, Matthew L. (2012).  Heterosexual Ally Identify Development: A Conceptual Model. Journal of the Indiana University Student Personnel Association. P.67-78.

Marzullo, Michelle A.  and Libman, Alyn J.. (2009). Research Overview: Hate Crimes and Violence Against Lesbian, Gay Bisexual and Transgender People. Human Rights Campaign Foundation: Washington DC.

Meyer, Doug. (2015). More Than Homophobia: The Race, Class and Gender Dynamics of Anti-LGBT Violence. In Violence Against Queer People: Race, Class, Gender and the Persistence of Anti-LGBT Discrimination. Rutgers University Press: New Jersey

Movement Advancement Project. (2012). An Ally's Guide to Issues Facing LGBT Americans.

Nadal, K.L. (2013). A Brief History of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People and Civil Rights. In That's So Gay! Macroaggressions and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community. Washington, DC: American Psychology Association.

Nanda, Serena. (2012). Cultural Patterns and Sex/Gender Diversity. In The Gendered Society Reader. Michael Kimmel and Amy Aronson. (Eds.). Oxford University Press

Rick Smith. (March 9, 2017). Study: Transgender, LGBTQ & Communities Not A Threat To Others In Public Spaces, WRAL TechWire.

United Nations Human Rights Council Report. (May 4, 2015). Discrimination and Violence Against Individuals Based On Their Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity. A/HRC/29/23