In the News
In the News
Regular Features

In My Words
A Story Worth the Telling
President Brian Bruess ’90 finds himself almost daily recounting the college’s story to a wider audience. It’s a compelling tale that stems authoritatively from a rich history and mission, convincing and relevant outcomes, and a vibrant vision for the future.
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Personally Speaking
In Quest of That Magic Moment
There is not much that can compare to that “aha” experience when you are in a groove and can’t stop because what you have been working on is coming alive ... with work that you could not have imagined. – Brian Pirman (Art).
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1910-11 College Catalog
With its fees for Plain Washing, Dinner for Day Students per month and Lessons on Piano or Organ Including Use of Instrument at Regular Rates per Scholastic Year, the 1910-11 college catalog offers a glimpse of simpler times.
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Alumni Profile
Foti Finds Home Remedies for Elderly
Pam (Melheim) Foti ’89 says the search for an assisted-living community for an older relative is analogous to her own search for a college home back in the day: When it feels right, you just know it.
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Big Picture
Hanging Out
Econ major Adam Sorensen ’20 spent some study time in the new hammock lounge, located just south of the Campus Center. The hammock lounge opened in October: a place to relax and destress in the outdoors while taking in views of the Fox River.
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We believe that St. Norbert’s claim to excellence resides in how we teach and learn, lead and serve, and live and work. In each of these areas, foundational principles guide our strategic planning.
Connie Tilley Day – a retirement so huge it gets its own name! Join in the laughter, hugs and tears as we celebrate the legendary coach.
New work by Brian Pirman (Art) can be seen in his Godshalx Gallery show, “Experimental Digital Patterns” through March 29 – and in our online gallery.
National coach Jack Fabian joined the Green Knights as they prepared for their first season, working with individual swimmers on their form.
Frank Kasell ’06 quit his job and spent three months researching a book on Chinese street food. Then he came home and wrote a field guide for the adventurous diner. Our excerpt feeds the souls of armchair travelers.
It may have taken 77 years, but the college is honored to bestow degree status on its newest grad.