In the News
In the News
Regular Features

In My Words
Let Me Level With You
A culture of no blame opens up ideas, lowers feelings of vulnerability and starts to build trust, says Lee Reid, vice president and chief information officer at St. Norbert.
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Personally Speaking
Making a Name For Yourself
Joy Pahl (Business Administration) says her extreme optimism “can pass for joyfulness in a pinch.” It’s an interesting thing, says Joy-with-a-capital-J, to be named for an emotion!
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The Rilke Portfolio
“Shahn defines the sort of beauty we see here ... as a source of strength through hard times. If it isn’t a struggle for beauty, what are we struggling for?” – Brandon Bauer (Art)
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Alumni Profile
Tech Developer Turns to Farming
What do you get when you cross a tech wizard and a philosopher? How about a cranberry farmer? John Moss ’07 is a unique combination of multiple interests channeled through the liberal arts.
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Big Picture
Small Matters
Cute critters, faculty children, mud and water: It’s all in the name of science.
Read MoreOnline Exclusives
There are 109 student orgs active on campus this year. We spoke with a few of them at September’s Involvement Fair.
When the seventh abbot of St. Norbert Abbey was blessed at his Installation, he found a unique way to honor those who had held the sacred trust before him.
Revisit some of our most notable buildings via our student-led virtual video tours.
We share alumni memories of sports teams from the 1960s and invite you to add your own from a storied decade.
As a new mural takes shape in the Bush Art Center, many hands join in the work.
Each year, we are impressed all over again by the character and achievements of our alumni. We offer our congratulations to this year’s Alumni Awards honorees!