In the News
In the News
Regular Features

In My Words
An Abbot, a Crypt, and a Third Space
There is no doubt, says the Rev. Jay Fostner ’84, that, like the men who preceded him, the new president of St. Norbert College will stand by the vision of founder the Rev. Bernard Pennings, and will look to his legacy for guidance and support.
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Personally Speaking
Let Me Leave You With These Thoughts
Marcie Paul (MFL&L) is getting ready to “graduate” – to retire – and the advice she’s been receiving is nothing if not contradictory: “Stay deeply involved in the college (Bob Boyer). Make a clean break (Bob Vanden Burgt). Move away (Jim Benton).”
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Banded Iron Formation
“The red is hematite. The shiny black is magnetite. Then, some of the real bright red is jasper. Even though I’ve been studying rocks for 40 years, I still say, some of them are just doggone beautiful.” – Tim Flood (Geology)
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Alumni Profile
Race Car Biz Picks Up Speed
The first order of business for Bart Wolf ’94 upon earning his business degree was buying a race car. Now his new condominium project caters to car enthusiasts and racers who “have a car habit they’re trying to house.”
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President’s Report 2016-17
A Year of Significance
It’s a curious thing for a new president to report on the financial year (2016-17) that concluded before he had moved into the office assigned to him. Yet, reviewing the accomplishments of that year made me feel proud as an alumnus of this great college.
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Big Picture
Be Bold, Be Brave, Be You!
Every summer, the GLAD and BOLD leadership camps for girls and boys draw hundreds of children to campus where they learn courage, strength, determination – and how to best their leaders at all kinds of fun and games!
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Nick Surprise ’20 looked far beyond financial aid to pay for college and will graduate with strikingly little student debt. He explains his scholarship search tactics.
The sculpture, a gift to the college from Jim and Miriam (Brozyna ’69) Mulva was cast at a foundry in Utah and assembled on site.
Highlights from a week to remember as the campus celebrated Heritage Week and Homecoming along with the installation of its eighth president.
The new president took the first words of Genesis – fiat lux, Let there be light! – as the theme for his installation. His inaugural speech sets the tone for the start of a new presidency.
Boyle Hall has seen its share of larks, love affairs and learning. We share readers’ Boyle Hall memories, and invite you to contribute your own.
Each year, we are impressed all over again by the character and achievements of our alumni. Our Alumni Awards give us the chance to express our admiration to this year’s honorees.