Workplace Expectations: Weapons
Applies to: All faculty, staff, contractors, vendors, guests, visitors and student employees
Purpose: To help ensure a safe working and learning environment
Policy Owner: Human Resources
Revision Dates: August 2011, April 2021
Last Reviewed: April 2021
St. Norbert College is committed to providing a safe living, learning and working environment for students, faculty, staff, guests and visitors. Toward that end, the college prohibits the possession or use of weapons on college grounds, in college facilities and in any college-owned or -leased vehicle, except for law enforcement purposes, with the college president’s written approval or under the other limited circumstances described in this policy.
College employees are not allowed to carry a weapon in the course of their employment, or in any college-owned or -leased vehicle, except with the college president’s written approval.
No one may carry a weapon on campus, even if they have a license to carry openly or concealed. These licenses do not supersede this college policy, nor any weapons postings on or around campus.
No person may display or portray as real any object that resembles a dangerous weapon anywhere in college facilities or grounds, except with the written approval of the director of Campus Safety. (One possible exception that may be approved: use of a sword in a theatrical production.)
To the extent legally permitted under Wisconsin law, licensed individuals, including employees, may store certain weapons in their locked vehicles, provided the weapons aren’t visible from outside the vehicle. College officials, at their discretion, may require such individuals or employees to show proof of a current, valid license to carry a concealed weapon in their vehicle.
Anyone who violates this policy will promptly be removed from campus and may face legal action. Employees who violate this policy may also be subject to disciplinary action, including termination.
College Facilities
College-owned or -leased buildings and structures. This also includes all college-owned and -leased vehicles.
Contact Us
Our office is located on First Street in the Garden Level (lower level) of Main Hall in De Pere, Wis.
Campus Map
Hours of Operation
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-3211
Fax: 920-403-3983
Email: hr@snc.edu