Employment: Employee Travel
Applies to: All faculty and staff
Purpose: To ensure responsible stewardship of the college’s financial resources
Policy Owner: Human Resources
Revision Dates: June 2024
Last Reviewed: June 2024
Travel that is not essential to an employee’s position duties* must be approved by the relevant vice president and the college president before the employee makes any purchases (including conference fees) related to travel. For travel that is essential to an employee’s position duties, the respective vice president will brief the president on travel needs and their related expenses.
For all travel, including travel essential to position duties:
- Employees are expected to carpool as feasible.
- Where car rental is less costly to the college than personal mileage reimbursement, it must be utilized. Generally-speaking, when accounting for rental costs plus fuel, a round trip of 250 - 300 miles, e.g. Milwaukee or Madison, may be cost neutral, but a trip to Chicago (400 miles round trip) would warrant use of a rental vehicle.
Travel to life events of colleagues (weddings, funerals, etc.) is personal travel and not reimbursable.
*Examples of travel essential to position duties include: coaches and support staff traveling with teams for competition or off-site practice, necessary staff traveling to recruiting events, or necessary staff traveling to off-campus meetings or events with alumni and donors.
Contact Us
Our office is located on First Street in the Garden Level (lower level) of Main Hall in De Pere, Wis.
Campus Map
Hours of Operation
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-3211
Fax: 920-403-3983
Email: hr@snc.edu