Keep in Touch!
We are dedicated to keeping you connected with the powerful network of more than 20,000 St. Norbert College alumni. You can find old friends, make new friends, or see what’s new at your alma mater by getting connected with us and staying in touch.Update Your Contact Information or Submit a Class Note
Let us know how to best get and stay in touch with you! While you’re at it, share your successes, fun endeavors, marriages, births, awards, promotions and celebrations with your fellow St. Norbert College alumni by submitting a class note to an upcoming edition of the St. Norbert College Magazine.
Contact an Alumni Friend
We can help you stay in touch. Alumni & Parent Relations maintains permanent data files for all alumni. Records are not released or sold for projects outside of the college. If you wish to contact a classmate but do not have a current address, we will be happy to send your message and contact information for you.
Contact Us
306 Third St.
De Pere, WI 54115
Phone: 800-236-3022
Email: alumni@snc.edu
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