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What Happened to our 2023 SNC Grads ...

We’re pleased to present statistics about our St. Norbert College Class of 2023 graduates. We collect career progress data about each class up to nine months following graduation. Graduate data is gathered through online surveys, college records, and LinkedIn. The results can provide a snapshot of where our graduates have gone after graduation, and how their St. Norbert College education has assisted them with their career goals.

Graduate Response
Number of 2023 graduates  390
Number of 2023 graduates surveyed 350
Number of responses 161
Response rate* 46.0%
Knowledge rate** 83.3%
Post Graduation Outcomes 
Employed 69.8%
Enrolled in additional education 22.5%
Not employed, but seeking employment 6.8%
Seeking additional education 0.0%
Engaged in volunteer service 0.3%
Engaged in military service 0.6%
I'd rather not answer 0.0%
TOTAL 100%
Salary ranges
$1-$10,000 0.00%
$10,001-20,000 2.0%
$20,001-30,000 6.1%
$30,001-40,000 19.2%
$40,001-50,000 25.3%
$50,001-60,000 26.3%
over $60,000 21.2%
TOTAL 100%
Location of employment
Wisconsin 72.1%
Illinois 13.2%
Minnesota 2.0%
Other U.S. location 12.3%
Does not reside in the U.S. 0.5%
TOTAL 100%

*Response rate is calculated by dividing the total number of graduates who responded to the survey by the total number of graduates surveyed during the academic year.
**The knowledge rate considers information obtained from additional sources, as is consistent with NACE guidelines. 

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